As Spring Slips Toward Summer on the Maine Coast

Spring has been fickle on the Maine coast this year, and many boaters and boatyards have found themselves a bit behind schedule. But it only takes a handful of warm days to get things back on track, and so I wasn’t surprised when my friend Al Trescot called to tell me that Blondie, his modified Eastern 22, was back in the water and he could use some help delivering it from Damariscotta-Newcastle to its summer home at Robinhood Marine Center in Georgetown. Since I try to adhere to my self-imposed rule never to turn down a boat trip, I gladly joined Al on June 4 for the journey.

Along the 25-mile route down the Damariscotta River and through Townsend Gut to Robinhood , I was constantly reminded of the treats that early-season boating delivers. Instead of crowded mooring fields (and seas of lobster pots), we were able to easily able to pass through East Boothbay, South Bristol, Boothbay Harbor, and Georgetown and take in the increasingly busy waterfronts in each harbor.

The boating season in Maine is short — it’s time to get out there and enjoy it!