The popular Classic Wooden Sailboat Rendezvous & Race will be holding its 12th Annual event during the weekend of September 11-12, 2021 in Annapolis, Maryland. Past participating boats have ranged in size from 8-feet to 65-feet and come from as far as Canada and Australia.
This fun gathering of classic wooden sailboats provides an informal opportunity for wooden sailboat enthusiasts to join together and compete in a low-key race against other wooden sailboats. The race is open to sailing vessels with an overall length on deck of less than sixty-five (65) feet, designed before 1970, and whose hull is built primarily of wood.
Since its inception, the race has remained a popular event for both participants and the public. For more details, please see the attached press release and follow the race on its official Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/classicwoodensailboatrace