High Tide Flooding Outlook for February 2025

By US Harbors Monthly High Tide Flooding Outlook, February 2024 NOAA is predicting that high-tide flooding is possible in several harbors in February, including Kings Point, New York, Boston, and Portland, Maine, especially on or around the full moon, on February 12, and the new moon, on February 27. Note that… SEE HARBORS THAT MAY FLOOD

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Image Credits: Flickr.com.

Another Blast of Arctic Air: This Time, with a Stretched but Strong Polar Vortex


By Butler and Laura Ciasto. We’re briefly popping in because another surge of very cold air looks to drop down from the Arctic over a large region of the central US this weekend and into early next week. We know that the question will be asked: is the cold related… SEE MORE

Image Credits: pix4free.org.

We are Absolutely Confident that Some Expected La Niña Impacts will Bust this Winter


By Michelle L’Heureux. Right now, with La Niña conditions currently underway, I guarantee at least one of our readers is currently thinking “This alleged ‘La Niña’ is going to bust so hard in my region. It’s supposed to be DRY and it’s been WET so far. What the heck is wrong… SEE MORE

Image Credits: Temperatures were well below freezing (blue) across much of the U.S. Southeast on the morning of January 22, 2025. NOAA Climate.gov image, based on RTMA/URMA data.

Historic January 2025 snowstorm in the Southern U.S.


By Nicole Collins. An Arctic blast plunged into the southeastern United States on Sunday, January 19, arriving just in time for the on-average coldest stretch of the year. It brought record-breaking low temperatures and fueled a winter storm that dropped historic snowfall for parts of the South. On January 22,… SEE MORE

Image Credits: Pexels.

Kayak Fishing the Everglades at Flamingo


By Nick Carter Exploring the backcountry and the flats of Florida Bay in motorized fishing kayaks. The Florida Everglades are a million and a half acres of wetland famously called a river of grass. From the water at Flamingo, it’s more of a mangrove jungle. Here at the southernmost outpost of Everglades… SEE MORE

Image Credits: Flickr.com.

Cold Water Tips for Big Calico Bass


By Jim Hendricks. Special tactics help Southern California anglers catch big calico bass throughout winter. Cooling ocean temperatures, chilly weather and the closure of bottom fishing for many species in January and February discourage a fair number of Southern California saltwater anglers from fishing in winter. Yet to those in the know,… SEE MORE

Image Credits: Flickr.com.

Arctic Tundra Becoming Source of Carbon Dioxide Emissions


By noaa.gov. 2024 Arctic Report Card tracks rapid, complex Arctic change. After storing carbon dioxide in frozen soil for millennia, the Arctic tundra is being transformed by frequent wildfires into an overall source of carbon to the atmosphere, which is already absorbing record levels of heat-trapping fossil fuel pollution. The… SEE MORE

Image Credits: Sarah Fernald, NYSDEC.

New Data for Improved Navigation in the Upper Hudson River


By oceanservice.noaa.gov. Real-time data on coastal conditions will support improved maritime navigation in New York. Navigating New York waterways just got a bit easier. NOAA and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced the establishment of the Hudson River Estuary Physical Oceanographic Real-time System (PORTS®). The system delivers real-time… SEE MORE

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons.

The Canoe in the Forest


By  Joshua Hunt. An unfinished boat hidden on a remote island in Alaska illuminates a missing chapter in the history of traditional Haida and Tlingit canoe building. When I first see the canoe, in May, it takes a moment to distinguish the long, shapely slab of cedar from the patch… SEE MORE