High Tide Flooding Outlook for October 2024
By US Harbors Monthly High Tide Flooding Outlook, October 2024 NOAA is reporting higher tides on and around the new moon and full moon dates (known as spring tides), which will occur on Oct 2nd and 17th, respectively. Higher than normal high tides and lower than normal low tides will occur… SEE HARBORS THAT MAY FLOOD
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Update to U.S. Precipitation Frequency Standards Now Accounts for Climate Trends
By noaa.gov. NOAA seeks stakeholder feedback on Precipitation Atlas 15 pilot data before expanding nationwide. A key scientific NOAA resource on extreme precipitation that is widely used by floodplain managers, city planners, civil engineers, developers and communities across the nation will soon include climate trend data. NOAA’s Precipitation Frequency Atlas of… SEE MORE
Trapped in the Tide of Organized Crime
By Kimberley Brown. How Ecuador’s growing armed struggle is affecting its traditional crabbing communities. Marcos Ruiz is lying face down in the mud, legs splayed and one arm sunk up to his shoulder in a narrow hole. When he finally grabs the crab burrowing in the hole, he pushes himself… SEE MORE
One Great Shot: The Big Eye of the Storm
By Shane Gross. “Calm down,” I told myself as I bobbed in the water off D’Arros Island, within a newly established marine protected area (MPA) in Seychelles. A storm was approaching, but I was snorkeling—camera in hand—because I knew something special was happening. I was on assignment for the Save… SEE MORE
2024's "Best Harbor" Contest Winners Announced
You Voted, and We Have a Clear Winner! Grand Winner, Best Harbor in the U.S. for 2024: Block Island, RI Top 10 Results: Block Island, RI (also 2024’s Northeast regional winner; first time on winners list) Destin, FL (also 2024’s Gulf Coast regional winner; first time on winners list) Padanaram,… Learn More
In Celebration of National Lobster Day
By Carli Stewart. Every year on September 25, the United States celebrates National Lobster Day. In 2015, Maine Senators Angus King and Susan Collins established it to recognize the importance of this crustacean to the country’s history and culture. So to further celebrate the lobstermen and women on National Fisherman, we… SEE MORE
Ropeless Gear Trial Divides California Crab Fishery
By Carli Stewart. A recent trial of innovative ropeless crab fishing gear off the California coast has sparked a heated debate within the Dungeness crab fishing community. While some accept the technology as a breakthrough in reducing whale entanglements, others view it as another complication in an already struggling industry.… SEE MORE
Virginia proclaims Commercial Waterman Safety Week
By Larry Chowning. As a reminder that commercial fishing is an important part of the State of Virginia’s economy, Commonwealth’s governor Glenn Youngkin issued a proclamation recently that the week of September 15-21 is “Commercial Waterman Safety Week.” The proclamation notes that the “Commonwealth’s commercial watermen and seafood industry generate… SEE MORE
The Skinny on Slinky Pots
By Paul Molyneaux. Ezekiel Brown started working on a Cordova, Alaska salmon seiner when he was 13 and now owns his own boat, the Lucid Dream, a 58-foot seiner. He fishes salmon in season and, in the spring and summer, sets 150 slinky pots for black cod. “They work great,” Brown… SEE MORE
Why Choose the Hard Life of Commercial Fishing?
By Carli Stewart. Why would anyone who has a choice want to fish for a living, given the cold, wet, uncertainty, danger, muck, dependence on weather for make or break, and general ass-busting hardship? For a skipper of any sized boat, add the government regulations, ruinous cost of fuel and… SEE MORE