Coastal Inundation and Sea-Level Rise in the U.S.

US Harbors, in our commitment to the sustainability and vitality of coastal communities, works with municipal leaders, local residents, and regional, state, and federal agencies to help coastal communities around the country understand, and plan for, rising coastal water levels.

This microsite includes resources for education and planning purposes. It includes information about our program to disseminate affordable, low maintenance, water-level monitoring solutions so local communities have access to local tidal data.

Our programs and resources evolve daily as we understand more about the risks our communities are facing, and possible approaches we can take to ensure safety and preserve the quality of life on the coasts. Please let us know if you have a resource to share!

Have photos of high-tide flooding near you? Please share them with us. 

Where to Start



  • Real-time Coastal Inundation Dashboard (NOAA) — This map shows current water levels, forecasts, and storm watches/around the country. This resource is helpful when looking to determine what areas will be impacted by extreme weather events.
  • Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper (NOAA) — An interactive map to support communities assessing their coastal hazard risks and vulnerabilities. Users can create custom maps showing the impact of various types of coastal inundation on infrastructure, society, and local ecologies.
  • The State of High-Tide Flooding and Annual Outlook (NOAA) — Interactive map and supporting information on past high-tide flooding events (also known as “sunny day”, or nuisance flooding) around the country. Also includes projections for the coming year and next several decades.
  • Sea Level Rise Scenario Tool (NASA)Interactive map with sea level scenarios for different locations around the country. Users can select decade projections and likelihood of scenarios.
  • Sea Level Trends (NOAA) Interactive map showing historical data of localized sea level rise trends at NOAA’s observational tide stations. It is important to differentiate from the published ‘average global sea level rise’ stat and what is actually documented by the hyper-local stations. Per NOAA: “The sea level trends measured by tide gauges that are presented here are local relative sea level (RSL) trends as opposed to the global sea level trend. Tide gauge measurements are made with respect to a local fixed reference on land. RSL is a combination of the sea level rise and the local vertical land motion.”
  • Digital Coast Sea Level Rise Viewer (NOAA) — Interactive map showing communities that will be impacted by coastal flooding or sea level rise. Also includes water depth data, connectivity, flood frequency, socioeconomic vulnerability, wetland loss and migration, and mapping confidence.