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Energy-Efficient salmon Gurdies

1/6/2025 - By Paul Molyneaux. Chandler Kemp, owner of Kempy Energetics of Dillingham, Alaska, has been experimenting with hybrid electric boats – primarily salmon trollers in Southeast Alaska – for several years. With grants from various sources, he worked with the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association (ALFA), hybrid gear manufacturer Transfluid, and others. Kempy, formerly of Sitka, is… SEE MORE
Helicopter fitted with cameras for aerial mapping. The cameras are in the gray box mounted to the underside of the cockpit in front of the landing skids. Credit: Atlantic Salmon Federation/Valerie Ouellet

Where Do Atlantic Salmon Go to Beat the Heat?

11/25/2024 - By As a key river habitat warms, researchers race to protect cold water patches critical to salmon survival. Researchers have successfully used cameras operated from a helicopter to map surface water temperatures in Maine’s Narraguagus River. This is an important step toward habitat conservation for endangered Atlantic salmon and… SEE MORE
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Where the Rivers Run Pink

10/26/2024 - By Jude Isabella. Non-native pink salmon have swarmed Norway’s rivers, prompting a relentless—and potentially fruitless—fight to beat back the invaders. The Grense Jakobselv River flows from northwestern Russia to the Barents Sea. For 35 of its 45 kilometers, the river also serves as the border between Russia and Norway. This… SEE MORE
The removal of four large dams from the Klamath River allows salmon to again reach about 400 miles of their original habitat that had been blocked for many decades. Photo courtesy Jason Hartwick/Swiftwater Films

Final Step in Klamath River Dam Removal Opens Path for Returning Salmon

10/10/2024 - By NOAA Fisheries led coordination efforts to protect water quality. Heavy equipment removed the final obstacle separating the Klamath River from the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday. The reconnected river was turbid but remained safe for fish after crews took steps to avoid erosion and impacts to water quality. “These… SEE MORE