We’re excited to report that Sandhill Cranes have begun arriving on the Island in small flocks. Soon we’ll have hundreds of these elegant birds wintering with us, as they take advantage of our milder climate and plentiful food resources.
To celebrate the arrival of these 3-4 foot tall, red-capped visitors, we invite you to join Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council in what’s been dubbed by the New York Times as “one of the quirkiest events in Texas” – Holiday with the Cranes!
For a unique holiday experience, spend a wild weekend in Galveston celebrating the return of the Island’s Sandhill Cranes at Holiday with the Cranes, Dec. 11 – 12, 2021. The weekend is chock-full of indoor and outdoor nature activities combined with the ambience and warm hospitality of historic Galveston Island!
Holiday with the Cranes is presented by the Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, a membership organization that connects people with Galveston’s natural environment.