Haines Memorial State Park Ramp

The state-owned and operated launch ramp at Haines Memorial State Park is located off Metropolitan Park Drive, on Bullock's Cove. Concrete slab, handicapped-accessible. 4 feet reported at mean low water. SEE MORE

Galilee Ramp

The state-owned and operated Galilee launch ramp is located Great Island Road, on the southeast side of the Great Island Bridge. Linked concrete planks, double ramp. 4 feet reported at mean low water. SEE MORE

Fort Wetherill Ramp

The state-owned and operated launch ramp at Fort Wetherill State Park is located off Fort Wetherill Road. Linked concrete planks (steep), car-top boats only. 2.5 feet reported at mean low water. SEE MORE

Colt State Park Ramp

The state-owned and operated launch ramp at Colt State Park is located off Hope Street (Route 114). Concrete ramp, handicapped-accessible. 4 feet reported at mean low water. SEE MORE

Charlestown Breachway Ramp

The state-owned and operated launch ramp at Charlestown Breachway is located at the west end of Charlestown Beach Road. Linked concrete planks, 3 feet reported at mean low water. SEE MORE