The work of Clifford Ross explores the natural world, prompting audiences to engage with the vitality and wonder of nature in an era of global climate change. Did you know that your photographs of water can be used to help scientists and municipalities gather local, accurate data that is critical to building resilience and preparing for the challenge of sea level rise in our community?

With the City of Portland, GMRI and the PMA request your help in betterĀ understanding the local impacts of coastal flooding. This citizen science meet-up will feature GMRI Sea Level Rise expert Gayle Bowness, along with municipal partners and the PMA, to document water level and flooding impacts at coastal flood monitoring sites throughout the city. This event will coincide with a known King Tide, an exceptionally high tide that occurs during a new or full moon.

We’ll meet at GMRI at 11:30 am for a brief overview and walk down to Commercial Street to flooded areas to collect data together. Light refreshments will be served before we depart.

This event is part of a new partnership with the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) and the Portland Museum of Art (PMA). Together GMRI and PMA invite our communities to explore the power of water and the impacts of sea level rise through artistic and scientific perspectives.

Through the lens of the extraordinary work of Clifford Ross, we will co-host an immersive, thought-provoking slate of public events throughout the Fall. We hope you’ll dive below the surface with us!