Top women’s sailing teams from around the world are invited to compete in this unique regatta, racing in front of New York Harbor’s iconic Statue of Liberty. Hosted by the Manhattan Yacht Club and sponsored by the New York Harbor Sailing Foundation, the Regatta began in 1989 as part of Fleet Week. Historically the Lady Liberty Regatta has drawn top sailors from across the country. Beginning in 2022, the regatta will also be opened up to international teams. The New York Harbor Sailing Foundation and the Manhattan Yacht Club are committed to celebrating and promoting the growth of women’s sailing.
Races will be held in New York Harbor. Unique to our regatta, spectators will be able to watch the races each day from the Honorable William Wall, MYC’s clubhouse on the water next to Ellis Island. The clubhouse will be open to members of MYC, friends and family of the competitors, as well as the general public.