With Ocean Boulevard closed to vehicular traffic, a safe and enjoyable seaside pedestrian promenade is formed. The Hampton Beach Seafood Festival has been acclaimed as “One of the Top 100 Events in North America”, by the American Bus Association for many years! Event attendance is now estimated as exceeding 150,000! Festivities include: Over 50 of the Seacoast’s top restaurants serving an abundance of mouthwatering seafood delicacies; 80 Arts & Crafts vendors promoting locally made products; hundreds of Ocean Boulevard merchants offering end-of-the-season Sidewalk Sales; continuous Culinary Chef Demonstrations produced by Pat Whitley; and two stages of continuous entertainment with 15 Bands and Orchestras. There are three “don’t miss” main events planned throughout the weekend the must-see Lobster Roll Eating Competition and spectacular fireworks display on Saturday and on Sunday spectators will view an amazing Sky Diving extravaganza by Sky Dive New England.