3rd Annual Seacoast Halloween Costume Paddle Contest
Seacoast Paddleboard Club is excited to announce that we have teamed up with the Portsmouth Halloween Parade to host the 3rd Annual Seacoast Costume Parade & Contest at Pierce Island on Sunday, October 27, 2018.
Open to ALL paddle craft, this freakishly fun paddle will depart from the Pierce Island boat ramp at 10:30 am. While participating in this leisurely paddle parade, participants will have a chance to shock, spook, and delight our costume judges for a chance to win some amazing prizes.
Costume Prize Categories are:
Best Group Costume (Prizes for up to 4 People)
1st Place Prize Only
Best Sea Life Themed Costume
1st Place & 2nd Place Prizes
Most Original Costume
1st Place & 2nd Place Prizes
Creepiest/Scariest Costume
1st Place & 2nd Place Prizes
Funniest Costume
1st Place & 2nd Prizes
For questions, please contact Chris Carragher at 603.498.8198.