Friday, January 10, 2020
Facebook Live
Jan. 10, 10am-11am
Presented by California State Parks.
California State Parks is teaming up with the California Coastal Commission for the third annual live streaming event to highlight this coming year’s king tides. Join us as we provide a statewide snapshot of the natural high water occurrences along California’s coast to raise awareness of sea level rise and their potential impacts on our coastline. This event will be broadcast via Facebook Live from 10:00-11:00am. Follow along as we visit half a dozen state parks along the coast from San Diego to the Mendocino coastline. - KING TIDE ON THE RICHMOND RIVIERA
Contra Costa County, Richmond
Shimada Friendship Park
Jan. 10, 10am-12:30pm
Presented by Berkeley Path Wanderers and Friends of Five Creeks.
Join a leisurely, level walk on paved trails during one of winter’s highest tides along part of Richmond’s waterfront. Today’s bird-rich restored wetlands, along with a gritty industrial history and toxic legacy, let us look through several lenses at what rising sea levels may bring. Binoculars and cameras welcome; photos can be submitted to the California King Tides Project. Meet at Shimada Friendship Park at Peninsula Drive and Marina Bay Parkway. Heavy rain cancels. Details: www.berkeleypaths.org, [email protected]. - A ROYAL WALK WITH THE KING TIDE
San Francisco County, San Francisco
Between Piers 3 and 5, bay side of Embarcadero
Jan. 10, 10am-11am
Presented by Exploratorium and Port of San Francisco.
Join Exploratorium and Port of San Francisco staff for a stroll along the waterfront to observe, photograph and discuss the King Tide. We’ll talk about what causes the tides, why we have King Tides at this time of year, and the Port’s Waterfront Resilience Program and related sea level rise and resilience projects. We’ll meet rain or shine. Come see the future! This event is free, and museum entrance is not included in this event. The Exploratorium will be open from 10am-5pm on January 10. For more information visit the event webpage or contact Lori Lambertson, [email protected]. - KING TIDES AT THE STRAND
Los Angeles County, Manhattan Beach
38th Street and the Strand
Jan. 10, 8am
Presented by USC Sea Grant and City of Manhattan Beach.
Explore beach ecology, capture the changing shoreline, and learn about beach dune restoration as we work toward resilience. For more information please email [email protected]. - CAPTURE THE KING TIDES NATURE WALK
Orange County, Dana Point
Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive
Jan. 10, 10:30am-11:30am
Presented by Ocean Institute.
Join us to learn about tides and how sea level rise is impacting our local coastline, then head to the local marine protected area to document the effects of the King Tides as a citizen scientist for the California King Tide Project. $5 per person, members free. RSVP online.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Contra Costa County, Oakley
Big Break Visitor Center, 69 Big Break Road
Jan. 11, 2:30pm-4pm
Presented by East Bay Regional Parks District.
Wetlands absorb the rising waters of a King Tide. Discover what causes King Tides and watch the wetlands change during one of the highest tides of the year! Free drop-in program. No registration required. Meet at the Big Break Visitor Center. - KING TIDE ON CERRITO CREEK
Alameda County, Albany
Cerrito Creek at Pacific East Mall
Jan. 11, 10:30am-1pm
Presented by Golden Gate Audubon and Friends of Five Creeks.
Join a conservation-themed walk along tidally-influenced Cerrito Creek just north of Albany Hill. We’ll look for waterbirds and winter songbirds and talk about restoration and what sea level rise may mean for habitat and the flood-prone adjacent neighborhood. Cameras welcome; photos can be submitted to the California King Tides Project. Meet at the SW corner of Pacific East Mall parking lot, 3288 Pierce Street, just north of the condos on Albany Hill. Rain cancels. Details: goldengateaudubon.org, [email protected]. - A ROYAL WALK WITH THE KING TIDE
San Francisco County, San Francisco
Between Piers 3 and 5, bay side of Embarcadero
Jan. 11, 10:45am-11:45am
Presented by Exploratorium and Port of San Francisco.
Join Exploratorium and Port of San Francisco staff for a stroll along the waterfront to observe, photograph and discuss the King Tide. We’ll talk about what causes the tides, why we have King Tides at this time of year, and the Port’s Waterfront Resilience Program and related sea level rise and resilience projects. We’ll meet rain or shine. Come see the future! This event is free, and museum entrance is not included in this event. The Exploratorium will be open from 10am-5pm on January 11. For more information visit the event webpage or contact Lori Lambertson, [email protected]. - KING TIDES OAKLAND ESTUARY WALK
Alameda County, Oakland
Fruitvale Bridge Park, intersection of Fuitvale and Alameda Avenues
Jan. 11, 10am-noon
Presented by Friends of Sausal Creek.
Start 2020 off with an invigorating walking tour of the history and science of the Oakland estuary. Local historian Dennis Evanosky will share the fascinating history of the waterway along the shoreline, where Sausal Creek now flows into the estuary via a culvert. FOSC Education Manager Becca Sanchez will discuss how sea level rise is expected to impact our city. Participants are encouraged to bring their camera to help document what our daily tides may look like in the future as a result of a rising sea. Meet at the benches at Fruitvale Bridge Park. Please wear sturdy shoes. Rain will not cancel the walk–it could make the observations even more interesting! Info: Becca Sanchez, [email protected] or (510) 853-3533. - KING TIDES HABITAT RESTORATION
Alameda County, Oakland
Oakport Field
Jan. 11, 9am-noon
Presented by Save The Bay.
Help with weeding and planting and taking pictures! The annual King Tides are naturally occurring highest tides of the year. During the highest high tide we can see how our shoreline may be impacted by future sea level rise. Help restore the salt marshes of the SF Bay and protect our shores from climate change and sea level rise. Meet at Oakport Field off of Oakport Street. For more info and to sign up, contact Charlie Onorati at [email protected]. - THE HIGHS AND LOWS OF ELKHORN SLOUGH
Monterey County, Watsonville
Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, 1700 Elkhorn Road
Jan. 11, 9:30am-11:30am
Presented by California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Join an early morning walk to witness the highest tides of the year! Learn about the king tide phenomenon and help us document the effect of these extra high tides on the Reserve’s trails. Photos will be sent to the California King Tides Initiative. This is a FREE public event. Cameras and good hiking shoes are recommended, and registration is required. Contact [email protected] or (831) 728-2822 x303. - KING TIDES AT PISMO BEACH
San Luis Obispo County, Pismo Beach
Addie Street Beach Parking Lot, 163 Addie Street
Jan. 11, 9am-11am
Presented by City of Pismo Beach
Get a glimpse of the future of Pismo Beach during the morning king tide which peaks at 9:30am and learn about the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan prepared by the City. This event will be based out of the Addie Street beach parking lot and will include short excursions to Pismo Creek and along the beach boardwalk to illustrate today’s coastal hazards and visualize how these hazards will look under a range of future sea level rise scenarios. Info: Brian Schwartz, [email protected], (805) 773-7043 - KING TIDES AT WESTWARD BEACH
Los Angeles County, Malibu
Birdview Avenue and Westward Beach
Jan. 11, 8am
Presented by USC Sea Grant and City of Malibu.
Explore beach ecology, capture the changing shoreline, and learn about beach dune restoration as we work toward resilience. For more information please email [email protected]. - CAPTURE THE KING TIDES NATURE WALK
Orange County, Dana Point
Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive
Jan. 11, 10:30am-11:30am
Presented by Ocean Institute.
Join us to learn about tides and how sea level rise is impacting our local coastline, then head to the local marine protected area to document the effects of the King Tides as a citizen scientist for the California King Tide Project. $5 per person, members free. RSVP online. - KING TIDES TIDE POOL HIKE
Orange County, Dana Point
Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive
Jan. 11, 3pm-5pm
Presented by Ocean Institute.
Join a tide pool hike led by an expert naturalist during the King Tides. See how an exceptionally high tide effects the local coastline and landscape while you explore the tide pools. The hike will take us into the rocky Marine Conservation Area located directly behind the Ocean Institute. Families can explore the area and search for snails, crabs, sea stars, and other animals that make the tide pools their home. The winter months are the best time to explore these magical marine ecosystems! $15 per person. Please sign-up in advance as space is limited. Walk-ins will only be allowed when space is available. Call (949) 496-2274. - KING TIDE HIKE
San Diego County, Imperial Beach
Tijuana Estuary Visitor Center, 301 Caspian Way
Jan. 11, 10am-noon
Presented by California State Parks.
Come join Education Coordinator Anne Marie Tipton during one of the mornings of the January King Tide, the highest tides of the winter. Find out about how the Research Reserve continuously measures water depth and is a sentinel site keeping track of trends with a changing climate. Learn about our award winning planning to adapt to the impacts from riverine flooding and sea level rise. The walk starts at the Visitor Center and will make its way over to almost the south end of Seacoast Drive and then back, approximately 2 miles round trip. RSVP on the facebook event page or call (619) 575-3613.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Monterey County, Pacific Grove
Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds, 800 Asilomar Avenue
Jan. 12, 9am-10am
Presented by California State Parks.
Join our State Park Lifeguards on the terrace of the Phoebe Hearst Social Hall for some coffee and learn about California’s King Tides. Lifeguards will be showing some of the equipment they use on the job and talk about ocean safety regarding King Tides. Free event, no RSVP needed. Info: [email protected] - CAPTURE THE KING TIDES NATURE WALK
Orange County, Dana Point
Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive
Jan. 12, 10:30am-11:30am
Presented by Ocean Institute.
Join us to learn about tides and how sea level rise is impacting our local coastline, then head to the local marine protected area to document the effects of the King Tides as a citizen scientist for the California King Tide Project. $5 per person, members free. RSVP online. - KING TIDES TIDE POOL HIKE
Orange County, Dana Point
Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive
Jan. 12, 3pm-5pm
Presented by Ocean Institute.
Join a tide pool hike led by an expert naturalist during the King Tides. See how an exceptionally high tide effects the local coastline and landscape while you explore the tide pools. The hike will take us into the rocky Marine Conservation Area located directly behind the Ocean Institute. Families can explore the area and search for snails, crabs, sea stars, and other animals that make the tide pools their home. The winter months are the best time to explore these magical marine ecosystems! $15 per person. Please sign-up in advance as space is limited. Walk-ins will only be allowed when space is available. Call (949) 496-2274. - KING TIDE AT PONTO BEACH
San Diego County, Carlsbad
Ponto State Park
Jan. 12, 8:30am-9:30am
Presented by Preserve Calavera, Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, and California State Parks.
This is an opportunity to see the impact of a king tide – a preview of what climate change will bring. Presenters will answer questions on climate change, sea level rise, and habitat impacts. After the event, participate in citizen science at your local beach by taking photographs to document these high tides. Meet at the parking lot on the west side of Coast Highway just North of La Costa Avenue; look for the canopy. Bring your camera and coffee. More info: [email protected] - KING TIDE AT CARDIFF
San Diego County, Solana Beach
Cardiff State Beach, 2526 S Coast Hwy 101
Jan. 12, 9am-10am
Presented by Nature Collective and California State Parks.
Celebrate the King Tides with a family-friendly beach event during the spectacularly high tide. During this guided tour we will explore Cardiff Living Shoreline and end the morning sharing our high tide photos with the California King Tides Project. Meet at the Seaside Parking Lot at Cardiff State Beach. Info: [email protected] or (858) 704-4550