Yamato, ICWW, FL Weather Forecast and Current Conditions
Day | Sky | High / Low | Precip | Wind | Humidity | |
Sat Feb 8 |
Sunny Close Hourly |
80º / 70º | 9% | ESE 10 mph | 70% | |
9am | Partly Cloudy | 74º | 4% | ESE 5 mph | 79% | |
10am | Mostly Sunny | 76º | 2% | ESE 7 mph | 73% | |
11am | Mostly Sunny | 78º | 1% | ESE 8 mph | 66% | |
12pm | Mostly Sunny | 79º | 1% | ESE 10 mph | 65% | |
1pm | Mostly Sunny | 79º | 1% | ESE 10 mph | 65% | |
2pm | Sunny | 79º | 1% | ESE 10 mph | 64% | |
3pm | Sunny | 79º | 1% | ESE 9 mph | 63% | |
4pm | Sunny | 78º | 2% | ESE 9 mph | 67% | |
5pm | Sunny | 77º | 9% | ESE 9 mph | 69% | |
6pm | Sunny | 75º | 4% | ESE 8 mph | 74% | |
7pm | Clear | 74º | 13% | ESE 7 mph | 76% | |
8pm | Mostly Clear | 74º | 15% | ESE 6 mph | 77% | |
9pm | Mostly Clear | 74º | 5% | ESE 6 mph | 79% | |
10pm | Mostly Clear | 74º | 6% | ESE 6 mph | 80% | |
11pm | Mostly Clear | 73º | 6% | ESE 6 mph | 82% | |
Sun Feb 9 |
Partly Cloudy View Hourly |
81º / 69º | 21% | SE 10 mph | 75% | |
12am | Partly Cloudy | 73º | 10% | SE 5 mph | 83% | |
1am | Partly Cloudy | 73º | 9% | SE 5 mph | 83% | |
2am | Partly Cloudy | 73º | 7% | SE 5 mph | 84% | |
3am | Partly Cloudy | 72º | 7% | SE 4 mph | 85% | |
4am | Partly Cloudy | 72º | 10% | SE 4 mph | 86% | |
5am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 13% | SE 4 mph | 88% | |
6am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 17% | SE 3 mph | 90% | |
7am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 21% | SSE 4 mph | 89% | |
8am | Partly Cloudy | 72º | 9% | SSE 3 mph | 88% | |
9am | Partly Cloudy | 75º | 11% | SSE 4 mph | 82% | |
10am | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 6% | SSE 5 mph | 74% | |
11am | Partly Cloudy | 79º | 7% | SE 7 mph | 69% | |
12pm | Partly Cloudy | 80º | 6% | SE 7 mph | 67% | |
1pm | Partly Cloudy | 80º | 9% | SE 8 mph | 67% | |
2pm | Partly Cloudy | 80º | 10% | SE 9 mph | 68% | |
3pm | Partly Cloudy | 79º | 6% | SE 9 mph | 70% | |
4pm | Partly Cloudy | 78º | 4% | SE 10 mph | 73% | |
5pm | Mostly Sunny | 77º | 4% | SE 9 mph | 74% | |
6pm | Partly Cloudy | 76º | 6% | SE 8 mph | 78% | |
7pm | Partly Cloudy | 75º | 11% | SE 7 mph | 80% | |
8pm | Partly Cloudy | 75º | 6% | SE 6 mph | 82% | |
9pm | Partly Cloudy | 74º | 8% | SE 5 mph | 82% | |
10pm | Partly Cloudy | 75º | 9% | ESE 6 mph | 82% | |
11pm | Partly Cloudy | 74º | 9% | ESE 6 mph | 83% | |
Mon Feb 10 |
Partly Cloudy View Hourly |
80º / 70º | 15% | ESE 10 mph | 74% | |
12am | Partly Cloudy | 74º | 8% | ESE 6 mph | 84% | |
1am | Partly Cloudy | 73º | 7% | SE 5 mph | 85% | |
2am | Mostly Cloudy | 73º | 12% | SE 5 mph | 85% | |
3am | Mostly Cloudy | 72º | 7% | SE 4 mph | 87% | |
4am | Mostly Cloudy | 71º | 12% | ESE 3 mph | 88% | |
5am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 7% | ESE 3 mph | 88% | |
6am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 7% | ESE 3 mph | 90% | |
7am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 8% | ESE 3 mph | 89% | |
8am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 10% | ESE 2 mph | 89% | |
Tue Feb 11 |
Sunny | 81º / 70º | 5% | SE 13 mph | 69% | |
Wed Feb 12 |
Sunny | 83º / 72º | 6% | SSE 14 mph | 72% | |
Thu Feb 13 |
Partly Cloudy | 84º / 71º | 24% | SSE 13 mph | 76% | |
Fri Feb 14 |
Partly Cloudy | 82º / 71º | 19% | SE 12 mph | 76% | |
Sat Feb 15 |
Partly Cloudy | 81º / 71º | 18% | SE 14 mph | 74% |
Buoy Data
For Yamato, ICWW, FL -
Wind Forecast
In Yamato, ICWW, FL -
In Yamato, ICWW, FL -
Marine Forecast
In Yamato, ICWW, FL
Weather Radar for Yamato, ICWW, FL See Radar
* Playback displays weather for the past 6 hours.
NOAA Weather Marine Forecast for Yamato, ICWW, FL
High : 77ºF
ESE wind 6 to 9 kt. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 to 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
ESE wind 6 to 9 kt. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 to 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
Low : 68ºF
ESE wind around 6 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt after midnight. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth.
ESE wind around 6 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt after midnight. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth.
High : 78ºF
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming ESE 5 to 8 kt in the afternoon. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth becoming a light chop.
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming ESE 5 to 8 kt in the afternoon. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth becoming a light chop.
Sunday Night
Low : 67ºF
ESE wind around 6 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt after midnight. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 to 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth.
ESE wind around 6 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt after midnight. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Dominant period 3 to 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth.
High : 77ºF
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming ESE 5 to 8 kt in the afternoon. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters smooth becoming a light chop.
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming ESE 5 to 8 kt in the afternoon. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters smooth becoming a light chop.
Monday Night
Low : 69ºF
ESE wind 7 to 9 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
ESE wind 7 to 9 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
High : 78ºF
SE wind 7 to 11 kt. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
SE wind 7 to 11 kt. Sunny. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
Tuesday Night
Low : 72ºF
SSE wind around 9 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
SSE wind around 9 kt. Mostly clear. Seas around 1 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
High : 80ºF
SSE wind 9 to 13 kt. Sunny. Seas around 2 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
SSE wind 9 to 13 kt. Sunny. Seas around 2 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop.
NOAA Buoy Data Near Yamato, ICWW, FL See Map
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Wind Speed Forecast for Yamato, ICWW, FL
Saturday | Sunday | Monday | ||||||||||
Wind Speed (MPH) | 5 | 10 | 9 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 3 |
9am | 1pm | 5pm | 9pm | 1am | 5am | 9am | 1pm | 5pm | 9pm | 1am | 5am | |
MPH | 5 | 10 | 9 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 3 |
DIR | ESE | ESE | ESE | ESE | SE | SE | SSE | SE | SE | SE | SE | ESE |
Current Weather Conditions In Yamato, ICWW, FL
As Of: 48 minutes ago
- 74ºF
- 74ºF
- 5mph
- 0º (ESE)
- 5mph
- Partly Cloudy
- 10mi
- 30.20"
- 79%
- 0ºF
The weather right now in Yamato, ICWW, FL is Partly Cloudy. The current temperature is 74°F, and the expected high and low for today, Saturday, February 8, 2025, are 80° high temperature and 70°F low temperature. The wind is currently blowing at 5 miles per hour, and coming from the East Southeast. The wind is gusting to 5 mph. With the wind and the atmosphere the temperature feels like 74° Fahrenheit. Expected precipitation is 4 percent, with current humidity at 79 percent, and air pressure at 30.2 in. Visibility is 10 nautical miles. There are no current weather alert(s).