Mid-Atlantic Council Seeks Applicants for Advisory Panels
Applications due April 23, 2021
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is soliciting applications from qualified individuals to serve on nine advisory panels. Advisory panels provide information and recommendations to the Council during the development of fishery management plans, amendments, specifications, and other initiatives. One of the chief responsibilities of advisory panels is the development of annual Fishery Performance Reports. These reports provide the Council and Scientific and Statistical Committee with information about the factors that influenced fishing effort and catch within each fishery during the previous year. Learn more about advisory panels here.
Advisory panels are composed of individuals with diverse experience and interest in Mid-Atlantic fisheries. Members include commercial fishermen, recreational anglers, for-hire operators, commercial dealers, scientists, environmentalists, and other members of the interested public. Most advisory panels meet 1-2 times per year. Members are compensated for travel and per diem expenses for all meetings. Individuals who are appointed to advisory panels serve for three-year terms. All current advisory panel members must reapply in order to be considered for reappointment.
The Council is accepting applications for the following advisory panels:
- Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass
- Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish
- Surfclam and Ocean Quahog
- Tilefish
- Bluefish
- Ecosystem and Ocean Planning
- River Herring and Shad
- Dogfish (jointly managed with New England Council)
- Communication and Outreach (NEW – see below for details)
How to Apply
Anyone interested in serving on an advisory panel may apply online or download an application at www.mafmc.org/advisory-
Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 23, 2021.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Mary Sabo at 302-518-1143, [email protected].
Information About the New Communication and Outreach Advisory Panel
The Council is soliciting applicants for a new Communication and Outreach (C/O) Advisory Panel. Formation of this advisory panel was identified as a priority in the Council’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and 2021 Implementation Plan. The C/O Advisory Panel’s primary purpose will be to provide advice and recommendations on effective strategies for achieving the Council’s communication objectives. Specific tasks may include:
- Helping to identify effective communication tools and approaches for reaching Council stakeholders;
- Providing feedback on the content and delivery of Council communication and outreach products;
- Identifying opportunities to increase public understanding and awareness of the Council and its managed fisheries;
- Informing the Council about topics of stakeholder interest or high priority communication needs; and
- Reviewing and providing feedback on draft communication products (e.g. web pages or fact sheets), as needed.
Similar to the Council’s other advisory panels, membership on the C/O Advisory Panel should reflect the diverse interests of the Mid-Atlantic Council’s stakeholders. Members may include commercial and recreational fishermen, for-hire operators, representatives from non-governmental organizations, scientists/academics, members of the general public, fishery managers, and communication/outreach professionals.