Licenses, Tags, Permits, Endorsements and Validations
The choice is up to you! Anglers have the option of purchasing an electronic license, tags, endorsements, and validations by using their smartphone with the myodfw app to display or can choose the traditional paper option and will be able to print at home, at a license vendor, or ODFW office. Anglers will choose which method they will use at the time of purchase. To purchase licenses and tags visit for more information.
All persons 12 years or older must:
- Have in possession a valid Oregon Angling License to angle for or take, or help another angle for or take, any fish for personal use.
- Have a valid Oregon Shellfish License to take any shellfish for personal use.
- Any documents in possession, either electronic or paper, must be accessible immediately upon request by department staff or law enforcement.
- It is unlawful to have in possession an unsigned tag and/or reproduction/photocopied or resized tag(s).
- Resized: In relation to permits and tags, resized means to change the dimensions of a permit or tag, either electronically or physically, from the original size as printed on 8.5” x 11” (letter) paper; trimming to the border of the document itself after printing to original size is allowed.
- No fishing or shellfish license needed:
- During Free Fishing Weekend(s);
- When taking crayfish or bullfrogs;
- When Oregon resident landowners are angling on land they own, except when angling for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon or halibut.
- When an Oregon resident is angling on land owned by an immediate family member, and resides on that land, except when angling for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon or halibut.
- All anglers (regardless of age) need a valid Combined Angling Tag in possession to angle for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and halibut.
- Anglers may purchase only one Combined Angling Tag (authorizing harvest of 20 salmon or steelhead) per year.
- Harvested adult wild salmon or steelhead must be recorded on the Combined Angling Tag.
- Angler who takes the fish must record the fish on their tag irrespective of who hooked the fish.
- Hatchery salmon or steelhead can be recorded on either the Combined Angling Tag or a Hatchery Harvest Tag, but hatchery catch must be recorded on one of these tags.
- Anglers may purchase multiple Hatchery Harvest Tags to record hatchery salmon and steelhead harvested, in lieu of recording these fish on the Combined Angling Tag.
- Only hatchery salmon and hatchery steelhead may be recorded on the Hatchery Harvest Tag.
- The combined angling tag along with all hatchery harvest tags must be in possession and presented when requested.
- Combined angling tags are included with daily/multiday licenses.
- Anglers are not required to record the harvest of jack salmon.
- All anglers, regardless of age, must have in possession a valid Columbia River Basin Endorsement when angling for salmon, steelhead and sturgeon in the mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream, and in all rivers and their tributaries that flow into the Columbia River.
- When angling within three miles of shore from Cape Falcon, OR to Leadbetter Point, WA, or in the waters of the Columbia River where it forms the Oregon-Washington boundary both Washington and Oregon resident fishing licenses are valid. Any anglers other than Washington residents must have a valid Oregon angling or shellfish license when landing fish or taking shellfish by boat in Oregon.
- All licenses, tags, and permits are available online, and through license agents, and ODFW offices that sell licenses.
- Licenses and tags may be purchased for you by a family member or friend.
- Angling licenses may be exchanged for Combination License or Sports Pac License within 90 days of original purchase.
- State and federal laws require a Social Security Number to obtain most licenses.
- Two-Rod Validation: Allows a licensed angler to use:
- Two rods or lines while angling in standing water bodies such as lakes, ponds and reservoirs, including Snake River impoundments above Hells Canyon Dam.
- Five rods or lines only when ice fishing.
- Only when authorized, the two-rod validation may be used in specified streams.
Two-Rod Validation is not required for youth under 12 years of age. Two-Rod Validation is prohibited in:
- Columbia River and its impoundments.
- Seasonal or permanent backwaters and sloughs of rivers, streams and creeks.
- Bays, estuaries and ocean waters.
- Coastal lakes during wild coho seasons— see zone regulations.

Updated fishing regulations as of January, 2020.