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Saltwater Aquaculture Is More Climate-Friendly than Freshwater Aquaculture

9/3/2024 - By Barbara Pinho. As the aquaculture industry grows, new research finds that seafoods raised in marine waters have a smaller carbon footprint than those raised in fresh water. The world’s aquaculture industry is booming. And it’s no wonder—overfishing in the open ocean has caused populations of many commercially caught fish… SEE MORE
Fishing on the Connecticut River

Casting About the Connecticut River

5/8/2019 - By Captain Tom Migdalski. The Native Algonquins called it “Quinnehtukqut,” or “Long Tidal River,” and were the first to appreciate the estuary’s incredible diversity of life. Flowing 410 miles from its origin at the Canadian border, the Connecticut River dumps 10 billion gallons of fresh water into Long Island Sound… SEE MORE