New Toy for Weather Junkies: Wind Map

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: We are weather junkies. We love anything that helps us better understand the conditions around us, and the latest online gadget looks like one that will be fun to stare at for hours on end. We discovered Wind Map through an article on Mashable, and while some commenters are correct in pointing out that the system loses a bit of its appeal by covering only the continental U.S. — um, aren’t boaters the ones who would be most interested in this kind of site? — it’s still some serious eye-candy. (Be warned, it does somewhat resemble a big, hairy United States.)

We would never advise sailors to use a site like this for determining their heading on the racecourse or to plot a weekend cruise. But if you want to get a quick overview of wind patterns across the country, it’s pretty slick. You can also zoom into particular regions, of course, though the level of detail disappears fairly quickly.

To find out more about Wind Map, click here.