Connecticut Recreational Fisheries Regulations for 2019


Striped Bass

Minimum length: 28 inches
Daily creel limit: 1 fish per angler
Open Season:  Open Year Round

Bonus Striped Bass Fishing Program

Striped Bass Image

Summer Flounder (Fluke)

Minimum length: 19 inches
Daily creel limit:  4 fish per angler
Open Season:  May 4 – September 30

Enhanced Opportunity Shore Fishing Sites
the Minimum
Length is 17 inches

Summer Flounder Image

Tautog (Blackfish)
 Minimum length: 16 inches
Open Season:  April 1 – April 30,
2 fish per angler
Open Season:  July 1 – August 31,
2 fish per angler
 Open Season:  October 10 – Nov. 28
3 fish per angler

Tautog (Blackfish) image

Scup (Porgy)
Minimum length: 9 inches
Daily creel limit: 30 fish per angler
Open Season:  Open Year Round

Party/Charter Vessel Bonus Season:
  For paying passengers only:
  50 fish per angler from Sept. 1 – Oct. 31

Enhanced Opportunity Shore Fishing Sites
the Minimum Length is 8 inches

  Scup (Porgy) Image

 Minimum length:  None
Daily creel limit: 10 fish per angler
(including “snappers”)
Open Season:  Open Year Round

Bluefish Image

Black Sea Bass  
Minimum length: 15 inches**
Daily creel limit: 5 fish per angler
Open Season:  May 19 – December 31

Party/Charter Vessel Bonus Season:
    For paying passengers only:

      Daily creel limit: 7 fish per angler
Open Season:  September 1
– December 31
Daily Logbook Catch Reporting required
on trips taking Black Sea Bass


**Excluding tail fin filament (tendril)

Black Sea Bass Image

Weakfish (Sea Trout)  
Minimum length:  16 inches
Daily creel limit:  1 fish
Open Season:  Open Year Round

Weakfish Image

Winter Flounder
 Minimum length: 12 inches
Daily creel limit:  2 fish per angler
Open Season:  Open April 1 – December 31
Winter Flounder Image
Hickory Shad
 Minimum length:  None
Daily creel limit:  6 fish per angler
(American & Hickory Shad in aggregate)
Open Season:  Open Year Round
Hickory Shad Image
American Shad***
 Minimum length:  None
Daily creel limit:  6 fish per angler
(American & Hickory Shad in aggregate)
Open Season:  Open Year Round
***American Shad: all state waters closed,
except the Connecticut River System

American Shad image

River Herring: Alewife / Blueback Herring
 The taking of anadromous alewife and
blueback herring is prohibited from all
Connecticut waters including Long
Island Sound
Alewife fish image
Blueback Herring fish image
White Perch
 Minimum length:  7 inches
Daily creel limit:  30 fish per angler
Open Season:  Open Year Round
White Perch Image
American Eel
 Minimum length:  9 inches
 Daily creel limit:  25 fish per angler
 Open Season:  Open Year Round
American eel

Atlantic Menhaden (Bunker)

 Minimum length:  None
Daily creel limit:  50 fish per angler or
5 gallons (whichever is the greater amount)
Open Season:  Open Year Round
Menhaden (Bunker) fish image
Atlantic Cod
 Updated federal regulations
Atlantic cod
 Updated federal regulations
 Updated federal regulations
Blue Crab No License Required
Minimum shell width (spike tip to spike tip)
5 inches – Hard shell
3 1/2 inches – Soft shell
Daily creel limit:  None
Open Season:  May 1 – November 30
Prohibition on egg-bearing females

Blue Crab Image
Jonah Crab No License Required
Daily creel limit:  50 Crabs per Day
Prohibition on egg-bearing females
Jonah Crab Illustration
Squid No License Required
Squid Illustration

Smooth & Spiny Dogfish 
Minimum length:  None
 Daily creel limit:  None
 Open Season:  Open Year
Smooth Dogfish Image

Spiny Dogfish Image

Coastal Shark Species
 An Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit is required to take, possess, or land any shark species, other than smooth or spiny dogfish, in this state in either the sport or commercial fisheries.
To obtain an HMS permit visit: call NMFS Customer Service Center at 888 872-8862.
Sandbar Shark Image
Red Drum (Redfish)
Maximum length:  27 inches
 Daily creel limit:  1 fish per angler
 Open Season:  Open Year Round
Red Drum Image

Applicability of Marine Recreational Fishing Regulations.

Marine recreational fishing regulations apply “while on the waters of this state or on any parcel of land, structure, or portion of a roadway abutting tidal waters of this state.” Consistent with this regulation, regardless where you caught your fish, (federal waters, another states’ waters) any fish in your possession must meet Connecticut regulations (size, season, possession limits) when you are in Connecticut waters. 

Definition of “Land” and “Possess”.

For sport fishing purposes, to “land” means to fail to immediately return any finfish, lobster, or crab, without avoidable injury, to the waters from which such species were taken. Any landed fish counts toward the daily creel limit. The term “possess” has the same practical meaning as “land” – failing to immediately return to the water from which such species were taken.

Fish taken contrary to the minimum length, creel limit or open season regulations to be released.

Any fish taken contrary to the minimum length, creel limit or open season regulations must, without avoidable injury, be returned immediately to the water from which taken.

Daily Creel limit.

The daily creel limit is the maximum number of fish an individual engaged in sport fishing may possess or land while on the waters of this state or on any parcel of land, structure, or portion of a roadway abutting tidal waters of this state. This limit applies to each 24 hour daily period regardless how many trips a person may make in a day. Note this is an individual limit. Pooling landings among a group of fishermen in a party is not permitted. In other words three anglers in a party fishing under a 3 fish limit do not get a total of 9 fish. Rather, each individual angler in the party is limited to 3 fish.

This (creel limit) section shall not be construed to restrict the number of legally acquired fish that may be kept in storage in the home or other storage facilities, or in a commercial storage facility where seafood is handled, stored, processed or marketed

Minimum length.

The minimum length is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail. The tail may be pinched to achieve the longest length when measuring, but the minimum length does not include the tendril (dorsal tail filament) found on black sea bass. Fish measuring less than the identified minimum length must be released immediately, with avoidable injury.

Open Season.

The calendar period during which a species may be possessed or landed. Fish taken outside the open season must be released immediately, without avoidable injury.

Culling or high-grading is prohibited.

“Culling” or “high-grading” means discarding or returning a previously retained fish to the water in order to retain a more desirable fish. Any fish placed on a stringer, in a container, cooler, live well or similar device, or otherwise not immediately released to the water shall count against the daily creel limit.


1. This rule is not meant to prevent tagging and release of fish, other than striped bass, under a tagging program consistent with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s standards for scientific tagging programs.

2. Fishing tournaments that meet certain criteria may be granted an exemption from the culling restriction by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection. See section 26-159a-26 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

Striped bass spearing or gaffing is prohibited.

Striped bass may only be taken by angling (spearing is prohibited) and the use of a gaff in the taking of striped bass is prohibited. However, striped bass legally taken by spearing in another state may be landed in Connecticut.

(g) No person shall land or possess on the waters of this state or on any parcel of land, structure, or portion of a roadway abutting tidal waters of this state any striped bass from which the head or tail has been removed or which has otherwise been rendered unidentifiable as a striped bass or unable to be measured.

Summer flounder filleting.

If summer flounder are filleted onboard either: 1. each fillet is required to meet the minimum fish length, or 2. the carcass (rack) of the fish from which the fillet was removed has to be retained and the carcass has to meet the minimum length. This rule shall not be construed to prevent filleting of fish on shore or dockside.

Mixed commercial and sport fishing trips.

No person engaged in sport fishing shall also, during the same trip for which the creel limit applies, possess any fish taken under commercial fishery trip limits. Note that commercial fishery possession limits apply to the aggregate of all persons onboard, meaning if one person on a vessel is commercial fishing the entire vessel is limited to the commercial trip limit even if the other anglers on that vessel are sport fishing.