By Eric Burnley, Sr.
Delaware Bay
The weather has improved and so has the fishing. Kings and trout are caught over Lower Bay reef sites on bloodworms, FishBites and Gulp! A few flounder have been taken in the same locations on live minnows, squid and Gulp! Trout and flounder have also been taken at the Crossledge, the Mohawk Wreck and at the bases of bay lighthouses.

The fishing pier on Cape Henlopen State Park has seen good fishing for spot at times of high tide. Bloodworms or FishBites have been the best bait for spot. A five-pound trout was caught from the pier on a live spot. Keeper flounder are caught around the pilings on jigs baited with live minnows or Gulp!

The Lewes and Rehoboth Canal and the Broadkill River give up a few flounder and trout. As the water warms, the incoming current around Roosevelt Inlet will be the best location to drown a few minnows or soak some squid or Gulp!

In the Upper Bay it is all white perch and catfish from New Castle to Woodland Beach. The tidal creeks and rivers hold good numbers of the same fish. Bloodworms will catch both with chicken livers or cut bunker good for the catfish.
Inshore Ocean
The Old Grounds has produced some impressive flounder including a nine and a seven pounder over the weekend. Most boats that fish there are finding flounder and sea bass for a decent day of fishing.
Offshore Ocean
Dylan Baker fishing on the Eire Mar caught a double header of golden tilefish with one weighing 52.8 and the second weighing 32 pounds. The 52.8 pounder is the pending Delaware state record for golden tilefish.
Tuna fishing remained very good in the canyons from the Spencer to the Norfolk. Yellowfin, true albacore and bigeyes were all caught last week and the action slows no sign of slowing. A few white and blue marlin were released as well.
Indian River Inlet
I stopped by the Inlet on Tuesday morning just before slack water and there were bunker busting as far as the eye could see. There was not a single bird in sight and no fish were feeding on the bunker from below. I have been going to the inlet for over 70 years and I have never seen anything like that.
There are blues and shad available at the top of incoming water. Use a metal lure with a shad dart tied eight inches behind and allow it to sink before starting your retrieve.
Large rockfish continue to be caught at night on live eels, big plugs and shads. Work the lights under the Coast Guard Station and the jetties all the way to the end on the north and south sides.
Flounder have been caught from the Inlet and Indian River and Rehoboth bays. Slow pick would be a generous description of the action.
Surf Fishing
Personally, I have yet to have my first bite, let alone catch a fish, from the beach. According to reports and photos, others have had better results with kings and blues. In fact, I saw one photo of a little kid with a double header of kings caught from the beach.
The warm and dry weather has made for some good fishing in the local ponds where bass are available. Early or late day trips are usually better this time of year.
Catfish have become a popular target in the tidal rivers and creeks with both channel and blue cats available. Cut bunker or bloodworms will draw them in.
Fly fishing in the White Clay and Brandywine creeks remains good for trout, sunfish, smallmouth bass and rock bass.
Maintain a Sharp Lookout
Summer is here and there will be many boats on the water and not every captain will be experienced or sober. It is up to you to maintain a sharp lookout to avoid an accident.
I don’t allow anyone to talk with me when running the boat in crowded locations such as Indian River or Rehoboth Bay. I expect the person sitting next to me to let me know when they see a boat approaching from their side and never assume that I see anything. The narrow channel that runs past the sand bars where people congregate for swimming and drinking in Rehoboth Bay is especially dangerous. I slow down and act as if I am invisible. Just like I did when I rode my motorcycle.