The Maryland Clean Marina Initiative is an evolving effort to assist marina, boatyards and yacht club operators to protect the resources that provide their livelihood: clean water and fresh air. The Initiative is distributing a comprehensive pollution prevention guidebook for marinas, recognizes “Clean Marinas” through an awards program, and conducts outreach activities to further promote environmentally responsible marina and boating practices.
Maryland Clean Marina Guidebook
The Maryland Clean Marina Guidebook provides an overview of actions that marine industry professionals can take to protect water and air quality. It is written for managers of full service marinas with boatyards. The recommendations contained within, however, are equally applicable to marinas with limited services, independent boatyards, and marine contractors. The Guidebook provides advice on the following topics.
- Siting considerations for new or expanding marinas
- Marina design and maintenance
- Stormwater management
- Vessel maintenance and repair
- Petroleum control
- Sewage handling
- Waste containment and disposal
- Marina management
- Laws and regulations