Now that Spring has arrived and we are all getting back on the water again, it’s important to know the rules of boating and what to do in an emergency. Check out the list below to find a course in your area.
BoatU.S. Foundation – The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water offers a range of online courses. – Online boating safety courses with online certification tests for many states.
NauticEd – Sailing course meeting the American National Standard (ANS), EDU-3 skills-based sailboat standard.
Safe Boating America – Classes meet the State Educational Requirements for operating a Boat or PWC and also meet the requirements for a Youth Operator.
State Courses – Most states offer their own local boating safety courses. The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators’ online Directory provides contact information for state boating agencies.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary – Local flotillas offer a variety of safety classes, including basic/introductory boating courses and safety courses, navigation, sailing and personal watercraft safety.
U.S. Sailing
Programs offer instruction in small and large sailboats, windsurfers, and powerboats. All levels of instruction are available around the country for beginner to advanced skills. Information on courses and instruction is available on the web.
American Canoe Association – Comprehensive resource to find skills courses, assessments, and instructor certification courses for kayak, canoe, raft, safety & rescue, and adaptive paddling.
Click HERE for additional information about boat licensing costs.