Save the Bay is holding its annual meeting on March 4 in Providence. Come celebrate our collective achievements over the year!

Come Celebrate a Year of Protecting Narragansett Bay

3/1/2012 - On Sunday, March 4, at noon Save the Bay is hosting its Annual Meeting at the Bay Center in Providence. We'll take a look back at the organization's achievements over the years while honoring the people and organizations that made them possible. A brief business meeting will be followed by… SEE MORE

Saving an Art Form Through Wooden Boats

2/29/2012 - [embed][/embed] The time is the early 1970s. Fiberglass has been the new wonder material for building boats for over a decade and now it is taking over the market. Many wooden sailboats, some of them quite famous, are hauled out and waiting the chainsaw or left to linger in disrepair.… SEE MORE

Building Boats, Building a Community in Brooklin

2/22/2012 - [embed][/embed] Brooklin, Maine, population about 750. There is a small sign as you drive into town calling this place the Boatbuilding Capital of the World. In junior high school kids are part of a project where they go into the woods and pick out a tree to be cut down,… SEE MORE

Sail Power: The Views of Onne van der Wal

2/17/2012 - [embed][/embed] "There is a balance between the science and the art. You have to be able to row away from your boat at the end of the day and enjoy looking back at it, or you're not getting anywhere." — Nat Benjamin, wooden boat designer and builder Wooden sailboats are… SEE MORE

Sail Newport Blows Its Mortgage to Bits

2/8/2012 - [embed][/embed] After fifteen years, Sail Newport is delighted to retire the mortgage on its building at Fort Adams in Newport. But instead of the usual mortgage-burning ceremony that many homeowners perform when they finish paying off their home, our Executive Director Brad Read decided to put a maritime spin on… SEE MORE

NOAA Doubles Gulf of Maine Winter Flounder Catch Limits

2/8/2012 - NOAA announced today that it is doubling the amount of Gulf of Maine winter flounder commercial fishermen can catch from almost 510,000 pounds to more than 1.1 million pounds for the current fishing season, which ends April 30. New scientific information shows that overfishing is no longer occurring on this… SEE MORE

Wooden Boats: Celebrating a Magnificent Obsession

2/7/2012 - [embed][/embed] “If a man is to be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most.” - E. B. White This brand-new trailer for our latest film "Wood/Sails/Dreams" explores the resurgence of wooden boats and traditional wooden boat building that began… SEE MORE
A brand-new Hinckley Talaria 48 Flybridge sits at the dock in Southwest Harbor, Maine, following its Feb. 1 launch.

Hinckley Heats Up the Coast With Launch of New T48

2/3/2012 - Never mind that silly groundhog and his shadow, the real signal that winter will come to an end eventually is when the first boat of the year hits the water. The Hinckley Company gave us all hope for boating days ahead with the launch on February 1 of the first… SEE MORE
Sub Sea Research, LLC, says it's located a valuable shipwreck off Cape Cod.

Modern-day Treasure Hunters Strike Platinum off Cape Cod

2/2/2012 - Love them or hate them, we're all intrigued by the modern-day treasure hunters who are using tiny submarines and remote vehicles to look for shipwrecks that might have been carrying precious cargo when they went down. And a team based in Portland, Maine, says that it's located one of the… SEE MORE