Santa Cruz (Monterey Bay), CA Weather Forecast and Current Conditions

Day Sky High / Low Precip Wind Humidity
Oct 6
Partly Cloudy
Close Hourly
-º / 59º 3% NNE 2 mph 76%
9pm Partly Cloudy 64º 1% ENE 2 mph 79%
10pm Partly Cloudy 64º 1% NE 2 mph 76%
11pm Partly Cloudy 62º 1% N 1 mph 83%
Oct 7
Partly Cloudy
View Hourly
78º / 56º 2% SSE 7 mph 65%
12am Partly Cloudy 63º 1% N 2 mph 75%
1am Partly Cloudy 63º 1% N 2 mph 73%
2am Partly Cloudy 63º 1% N 2 mph 72%
3am Partly Cloudy 62º 1% NNE 2 mph 74%
4am Partly Cloudy 62º 3% NE 2 mph 76%
5am Mostly Cloudy 61º 2% NE 2 mph 76%
6am Partly Cloudy 61º 3% NE 2 mph 77%
7am Partly Cloudy 60º 3% NE 2 mph 77%
8am Partly Cloudy 61º 2% NE 2 mph 77%
9am Partly Cloudy 65º 2% NNE 2 mph 74%
10am Partly Cloudy 69º 2% S 2 mph 69%
11am Partly Cloudy 71º 2% SSW 4 mph 66%
12pm Sunny 73º 2% SSW 4 mph 60%
1pm Mostly Sunny 75º 2% SSW 5 mph 58%
2pm Mostly Sunny 75º 1% SW 6 mph 58%
3pm Mostly Sunny 76º 1% SSW 6 mph 56%
4pm Partly Cloudy 76º 2% SE 6 mph 58%
5pm Partly Cloudy 72º 2% E 7 mph 63%
6pm Partly Cloudy 70º 2% SE 7 mph 67%
7pm Partly Cloudy 65º 3% SE 5 mph 77%
8pm Partly Cloudy 64º 3% SE 4 mph 79%
9pm Clear 63º 4% SE 3 mph 81%
10pm Clear 62º 5% E 2 mph 85%
11pm Clear 62º 5% E 2 mph 83%
Oct 8
Partly Cloudy
View Hourly
72º / 54º 8% SSE 7 mph 81%
12am Clear 61º 5% ENE 2 mph 87%
1am Clear 60º 5% ENE 2 mph 87%
2am Partly Cloudy 59º 6% N 1 mph 88%
3am Partly Cloudy 59º 6% NNE 2 mph 90%
4am Partly Cloudy 59º 9% ENE 2 mph 91%
5am Partly Cloudy 58º 9% ENE 2 mph 91%
6am Partly Cloudy 58º 11% E 3 mph 93%
7am Partly Cloudy 57º 7% E 2 mph 92%
8am Foggy 57º 8% E 2 mph 94%
9am Partly Cloudy 59º 6% SE 2 mph 95%
10am Partly Cloudy 60º 6% SSW 2 mph 92%
11am Partly Cloudy 62º 5% SW 4 mph 87%
12pm Sunny 64º 4% SW 5 mph 84%
1pm Sunny 67º 3% SW 6 mph 76%
2pm Sunny 70º 3% SW 7 mph 67%
3pm Sunny 71º 2% SW 7 mph 64%
4pm Sunny 70º 2% SE 6 mph 68%
5pm Sunny 68º 2% E 6 mph 72%
6pm Sunny 65º 3% ESE 6 mph 78%
7pm Clear 63º 4% E 5 mph 85%
8pm Clear 62º 5% ESE 4 mph 87%
Oct 9
AM Clouds/PM Sun 71º / 56º 8% WSW 7 mph 83%
Oct 10
Cloudy 68º / 53º 6% SW 7 mph 79%
Oct 11
Partly Cloudy 68º / 55º 5% SW 8 mph 73%
Oct 12
AM Clouds/PM Sun 70º / 56º 23% SW 8 mph 81%
Oct 13
Partly Cloudy 73º / 55º 8% WNW 8 mph 80%

Weather Radar for Santa Cruz (Monterey Bay), CA See Radar

* Playback displays weather for the past 6 hours.

NOAA Weather Marine Forecast for Santa Cruz (Monterey Bay), CA

Low : 61ºF
Variable winds 5 kt or less. Mostly cloudy. Mixed swell...WNW 2 ft at 7 seconds and SW 1 ft at 14 seconds. Wind waves 1 ft or less.
High : 63ºF
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming WSW 5 to 9 kt in the afternoon. Partly sunny, then gradually becoming sunny. Mixed swell...WNW 2 ft at 8 seconds and SW 1 ft at 15 seconds. Wind waves 1 to 2 ft.
Monday Night
Low : 57ºF
NNE wind around 6 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt after midnight. Partly cloudy. Mixed swell...WNW 4 ft at 9 seconds and N 1 ft at 14 seconds. Wind waves 1 to 2 ft.
High : 64ºF
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming W 5 to 10 kt in the afternoon. Sunny. Mixed swell...W 3 to 4 ft and W 1 ft. Wind waves 1 ft or less.
Tuesday Night
Low : 55ºF
NW wind 5 to 7 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt after midnight. Partly cloudy. Mixed swell...WNW 3 to 4 ft and SW 1 ft. Wind waves 1 ft or less.
High : 62ºF
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming WNW 6 to 11 kt in the afternoon. Mostly sunny. Mixed swell...WNW 3 ft and WSW 2 ft. Wind waves 1 ft or less.
Wednesday Night
Low : 55ºF
NW wind 5 to 8 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt in the evening. Mostly cloudy. Mixed swell...WNW 3 ft and SW 1 to 2 ft. Wind waves 1 ft or less.
High : 60ºF
Variable winds less than 5 kt becoming W 5 to 7 kt in the afternoon. Partly sunny. Mixed swell...WNW 3 ft and SW 1 ft. Wind waves 1 ft or less.
Thursday Night
Low : 53ºF
WNW wind 5 to 7 kt becoming variable and less than 5 kt in the evening. Mostly cloudy. Mixed swell...WNW 3 ft and SW 1 to 2 ft. Wind waves 1 ft or less.

NOAA Buoy Data Near Santa Cruz (Monterey Bay), CA See Map

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    Wind Speed Forecast for Santa Cruz (Monterey Bay), CA

    Wind Speed (MPH) 222257322266
    MPH 222257322266

    Current Weather Conditions In Santa Cruz (Monterey Bay), CA

    As Of: 37 minutes ago

    • 64ºF
    • 64ºF
    • 2mph
    • 0º (ENE)
    • 2mph
    • Partly Cloudy
    • 9mi
    • 29.91"
    • 79%
    • 0ºF

    The weather right now in Santa Cruz (Monterey Bay), CA is Partly Cloudy. The current temperature is 64°F, and the expected high and low for today, Sunday, October 6, 2024, are -° high temperature and 59°F low temperature. The wind is currently blowing at 2 miles per hour, and coming from the East Northeast. The wind is gusting to 2 mph. With the wind and the atmosphere the temperature feels like 64° Fahrenheit. Expected precipitation is 1 percent, with current humidity at 79 percent, and air pressure at 29.91 in. Visibility is 9 nautical miles. There are 1 current weather alert(s).