The original uploader was Serge at English Wikibooks., Public domain, Spanishtown via Wikimedia Commons

The Spanish town powered by waves

2/15/2023 - By [caption id="attachment_44740" align="alignnone" width="512"] Ocean_waves via Wikimedia Commons[/caption] For centuries, inhabitants of the picturesque coastal town of Mutriku have drawn from the ocean's riches. Now they're harnessing its immense power. The Basque town of Mutriku owes its soul to the sea. It sits wedged into a bay carved… SEE MORE
Gregory "Slobirdr" Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0 humpwhaleimage via Wikimedia Commons

How much microplastic do whales eat? Up to 10 million pieces per day, Stanford research finds

1/21/2023 - By Analysis of ocean plastic pollution and whale foraging behavior tracked with noninvasive tags shows whales are ingesting tiny specks of plastic in far bigger quantities than previously thought, and nearly all of it comes from the animals they eat – not the water they gulp. BY JOSIE GARTHWAITE… SEE MORE

LIDAR 101 (and free online training) for Map & Weather Buffs

Some of my favorite nerdy friends have been talking about LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) for years, regaling me with how profoundly it will change how we map our earth, including our oceans. I'm generally a little slow in understanding laser-based technologies, but NOAA has put together a quick and… SEE MORE