Brooksville is a quiet town made up of peaceful villages where cozy inlets lead to wide meadows. Towering trees guard the surrounding coastline like a small army of spruce-clad warriors. In South Brooksville, Bucks Harbor leads to the clear waters of Eggemoggin Reach. Cape Rosier juts out into Penobscot Bay, providing staggering views across to the Camden Hills.
The roads through town wind and twist, carrying me past ancient farmhouses and rambling cottages. The smells of the flowers in the fields linger all around. Sailboats gracefully glide into the harbor, as children run up and down back roads, singing their summer songs.
The world can keep on turning. I don’t care, for my heart is here, where this magnificent coastline never ceases to amaze me. I find peace here, among the saltwater and rocks. It’s as if nothing has changed, and nothing really has. The sky still spits rain, the temperature holds steady in the 60s, and the warmth of summer still refuses to arrive for good.
In the distance, a small sailboat with a bright blue hull sits at her mooring, rocking slowly back and forth in the afternoon swells. As the clouds thicken and the rain begins to fall, the ripples in the harbor get bigger and the water becomes flooded with little drops of rain.
Where else would I rather be on a rainy June afternoon? Nowhere.