By Chris Stevens.
When it comes to mitigating the impact of climate change on Marblehead Harbor, residents were hit with a lot of information Monday in a short amount of time. The good news is the town has time to figure out its path to preservation.
“What we are providing is flexible and active approaches that you can start to think about when they might need to be taken, said Kirk Bosma, senior engineer with the Woods Hole Group out of Bourne. “That does not mean that everything has to be done today.”
The Future of Marblehead Harbor Climate Adaption: Themes and Concepts presentation was Phase III of a three part coastal zone management project being funded through a $93,000 CMZ grant the town won back in November 2019. In Phase 1, held in February, Bosma mapped out what selected portions of the town’s waterfront might look like in 2030, 2050 and 2070 compared to present day conditions. It looked wet.
Bosma focused on four areas along Marblehead Harbor; Front Street/Little Harbor, State Street Landing/Harbormaster area, Marblehead Municipal Light Department and the causeway/Devereux/Goldthwait beaches. That video is available at