The 8 Things That’ll Help You Find Fish Faster

In this podcast, Jay Feimster from talks with Dan Dickerson from SiriusXM Marine about their new Fish Mapping service.  Fish Mapping includes 8 dedicated fishing features to help saltwater anglers locate fish faster:

  1. Fishing Recommendations – gives locations oceanographers recommend for specific types of game fish, based on data-driven analysis
  2. Weed Lines – view concentrations of floating algae/plants which provide nutrients and cover, creating habitats for bait fish, shrimp, etc. and attract larger game fish
  1. Sea Surface Height Anomaly – view locations where the sea surface height is noticeably different than the surrounding area. “Upwelling” areas create favorable conditions including nutrient-rich water that attracts bait fish and game fish
  2. Sea Surface Temperature Contours – gives contour lines where noticeable breaks occur where the water temperature is changing from cool to water, which is preferred by bait fish
  3. Sea Surface Temperature Front Strength – shows estimated strength of ocean fronts, which are significant temperature changes that create distinct boundaries between bodies of water where nutrients are concentrated, attracting bait fish
  4. 30m Subsurface Temperatures – view the water temperature 30 meters below the surface, where many game fish like to hunt
  5. Plankton Concentration Contours – shows contour lines with the distribution of plankton concentrations in water; plankton is the primary food source for most bait fish
  6. Plankton Front Strength – provides fronts where murky, nutrient-rich water favorable for bait fish occurs next to clear, predator-preferred water for game fish

Fish Mapping also includes all of SiriusXM Marine’s weather features – include lightning strikes, radar, storm tracks, wind/wave info, and more – to help keep you safe on the water.

Currently this service is only available with the Garmin GXM 54 weather & radio receiver, and is compatible with many Garmin MFDs.

If you want to know where the fish are most likely to be found, don’t miss learning about Fish Mapping in this podcast!