The Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel – Request for Nominations
Last Updated
The Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel (NTAP) is seeking qualified candidates to serve on the panel. Current members and all interested parties are encouraged to apply.
The deadline for submitting applications is Fri
The NTAP is a joint advisory panel of the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils.
It is composed of Council members, as well as fishing industry, academic, and government and non-government fisheries experts who provide advice and direction on the conduct of trawl research.
It is supported by NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC).
Additional information about the NTAP is available at
The panel consists of 20 members as follows:
- Two members each from the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils (4 total)
- Up to three fishery stakeholder representatives appointed by each Council (6 total)
- Two academic and non-academic scientists appointed by each Council (4 total)
- Two members from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (2 total)
- Four staff members from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (4 total)
NTAP was established in 2015 to:
(1) bring commercial fishing, fisheries science, and fishery management professionals in the northeastern U.S. together to identify concerns about regional research survey performance and data;
(2) identify methods to address or mitigate these concerns;
(3) and promote mutual understanding and acceptance of the results of this work among peers and in the broader community.