Suzuki Marine Trailblazes Viable Path for Sustainable Marine Fuels in Florida
Last Updated
By Suzuki Marine.
Effort Exemplifies “Kizuna” Commitment to Panama City Community and State.
Panama City, FLA — Suzuki Marine USA has joined forces with the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), local dignitaries, and representatives of St. Andrews Marina in Panama City, Florida to expand access to sustainable marine fuel for recreational boaters in the Florida panhandle.
During a special event today at St. Andrews Marina, it was announced that Hyperfuel PurfuelsTM, a new sustainable marine fuel, is now available at the marina fuel docks for all recreational boaters with gasoline powered boats. This ethanol-free, high-performance 93-octane gasoline has the potential to reduce recreational boating carbon emissions by 30% more than E10 gasoline at the same renewable content. Especially important to Suzuki Marine and recreational boaters everywhere, it achieves these advantages
without compromising range or performance. Suzuki Marine’s extensive use of sustainable fuel blends at its Panama City-based U.S. Technical Center and by Suzuki Motor Corporation in Japan has proven that blended sustainable fuels deliver the performance, fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and long-term engine reliability all boaters demand. Suzuki Marine’s Technical Center will also use the fuel in day-to-day operations to its commitment to the NMMA Propelling Our Future initiative.
Suzuki has been a long-time proponent of sustainable marine fuels to significantly reduce emissions created through recreational boating. Sustainable marine fuels, made from various feedstocks such as waste cooking oils, animal fats, plant-based materials and other green refining methods can be used in America’s 12-million registered power boats without the need for any changes or modifications to the fuel system or engine. It is literally a “drop-in” solution that will work in all types of gasoline-powered boats. Considering the vast number of recreational boats in the U.S. and the fact that they have an average lifespan of 30 to 50 years, the cumulative environmental impact – both immediate and long-term — is impressive.
Suzuki Marine’s experience with sustainable fuel includes the 2023 Run to the Capital, a roughly 900-mile journey from Florida to Washington, DC aboard a 26-foot center console powered by twin 140hp Suzuki outboards. This journey included educational stops at key dealerships along the route and participation by key boating and fishing journalists. After arriving in the nation’s capital, the boat was used to help NMMA demonstrate sustainable fuels to our nation’s policymakers during the 2023 American Boating Congress.
“Sustainable fuels have incredible potential to reduce emissions and lower the environmental impact of recreational boating across the nation,” said Brandon Cerka, Suzuki Marine General Manager Sales & Marketing. “The key lies in making these fuels more accessible to the boating public at local marinas and fuel docks. For many months, we’ve been working with local fuel distributors SC Rowe, Hyperfuels, and St. Andrews Marina to make this possible. This is great day for boaters in the Florida panhandle. We’re hopeful this will help create a groundswell of interest across Florida and eventually nationwide,” added Cerka.
With its U.S. Technical Center established in the region, Panama City was an ideal location for Suzuki Marine to start this groundswell. Suzuki Marine worked with its partners to develop a plan to bring sustainable marine fuel to Florida boaters. Following extensive testing of the fuel at Suzuki Marine’s technical center, the push would expand to city-owned marinas, then private marinas in northwest Florida and eventually to the entire state. “This process is now underway, and we are fully committed to seeing it through,”
added Cerka.
This effort exemplifies the best principles of “Kizuna” — a Japanese term for good relationships, friendship, and close ties. Suzuki’s Technical Center worked diligently to lay the fundamental groundwork for all parties involved, creating a win-win-win situation that is good for the environment, good for the industry and good for boaters.
It will be easy for marinas to provide this new fuel to their customers. It will blend with existing fuels, so there is no need to drain the tank dry before filling. In addition, no special fuel dispensers or pumps are required.
The NMMA has worked alongside industry partners such as Suzuki Marine for 20 years to decarbonize the American boating industry, resulting in greatly increased fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. In 2023 it launched the Propelling Our Future initiative, aiming to raise awareness of a variety of solutions needed to fuel the future of marine recreational among boaters and policymakers.
About Suzuki Marine
Suzuki is a leading manufacturer of 4-stroke outboard motors ranging from the ultra-portable 2.5 horsepower to the flagship DF350 V-6 with contra-rotating dual propellers. Over the years, Suzuki outboards have won nine Innovation Awards from the National Marine Manufacturer’s Association (NMMA) for motors as small as 25 horsepower, demonstrating Suzuki’s commitment to making the best technology available to the widest possible audience. Over the past few years, Suzuki Marine USA opened a U.S. Marine Technical Center in Panama City, Florida and moved to a new corporate headquarters in Tampa, Florida, to be closer to the heart of the U.S. boating industry and boating capital of the country. Through its CLEAN OCEAN PROJECT, regional cleanup and habitat restoration efforts around the world, and company-wide plastic waste reduction efforts, Suzuki has demonstrated a commitment to protecting coastal and marine habitat at home and around the world.