Alaska 2024 Salmon Season Tanks in Both Total Catch and Value

By Laine Welch

Alaska’s 2024 salmon fishery saw double-digit declines in both catches and value. Just over 101 million salmon were harvested across Alaska, a 56% decrease from the more than 232 million fish caught in 2023.

Fishermen’s paydays also took a big hit, with the total salmon value at $304 million. That’s down nearly 24% from $398 million last year.

Those numbers are from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) preliminary harvest and value figures for the 2024 Alaska Commercial Salmon Fishery.  

It gets worse.

Alaska’s 2024 all-species catch of 101 million fish weighed in at 450 million pounds—the third lowest on record for total fish harvested and the lowest on record for total pounds harvested since 1985. For ex-vessel value (dockside), adjusted for inflation, the estimate of $304 million was the third lowest since 1975.

“Market conditions significantly impacted the pricing of salmon statewide and, consequently, the value of the harvest,” the ADF&G summary says.

Sockeye and Chinook catches slightly exceeded expectations, while pink, chum, and coho salmon harvests fell short of the forecasts. Pink salmon catches performed especially poorly, with only about 58% of the projected harvest being realized..

Catch breakdowns and dock prices

Sockeye salmon accounted for nearly  68% of the total fishery value at $206.7 million and 42% of the harvest at 42 million fish. The price paid to fishermen averaged $1.05 per pound, compared to $.87 in 2003.

Pink salmon brought in 9% of the statewide value at $28.2 million and 40% of the harvest with 40 million fish. Pinks paid out at $0.23 on average, down from $0.38 per pound last year.

Chum salmon contributed 15% of the value at $45 million and 17% of the harvest at 17.2 million fish. The average price at the docks for chums was $0.39 compared to $0.67 in 2023.

Coho salmon accounted for 4% of the total fishery value at $12.2 million and 1% of the harvest at 1.7 million fish. Cohos paid out at $1.17 per pound to fishermen, up from $1.03.