Crews install solar panels on the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse's oil house. The power generated will be used in a security system.

Pomham Rocks Light Goes Solar

3/22/2012 - This past week the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse installed solar panels atop the light station's oil house to provide power for a security system at the island. The work was performed by the Hamilton Ferris Company from Bourne, Massachusetts, with help from FPRL volunteers who also provided the boat… SEE MORE
A 26-foot Monomoy Surfboat undergoing restoration for the Nantucket Shipwreck and Life-Saving Museum.

Discovering Restorations in Our Own Backyard

3/20/2012 - All documentary films are journeys of discovery. Our film, "Wood/Sails/Dreams," has taken us off our island of Nantucket, across to Vineyard Haven, along the coast from Newport to Bristol to Wareham, and eventually up to Maine. Recently, though, we took our cameras to a little workshop on Nantucket. We met… SEE MORE
The steamship Katahdin, built in 1914 at Bath Iron Works, needs significant restoration to keep operating.

Help Save Maine’s Inland Steamship

3/13/2012 - Our radar doesn't usually reach all the way to Maine's northern lakes, but a report about the steamship Katahdin way up on Moosehead Lake caught our attention. Anyone who has ever passed through Greenville couldn't help but be startled by the sight of the 220-ton wooden ship tied up at… SEE MORE
The ACT I gliding down the ways, February 1974.

Working Ships from Maine to New Bedford and New York

2/24/2012 - Midcoast Maine is (or was) home to all three yards responsible for the vessels in this collection of historic images, all part of the Penobscot Marine Museum's collections. ACT I was built at Harvey F. Gamage in South Bristol; that yard closed in 1981. Washburn & Doughty moved its operation… SEE MORE