Milwaukee, WI Weather Forecast and Current Conditions
Day | Sky | High / Low | Precip | Wind | Humidity | |
Sat Sep 14 |
Partly Cloudy Close Hourly |
-º / 67º | 7% | ESE 6 mph | 80% | |
11pm | Mostly Sunny | 75º | 2% | E 6 mph | 70% | |
Sun Sep 15 |
Partly Cloudy View Hourly |
79º / 64º | 7% | SE 10 mph | 69% | |
12am | Mostly Sunny | 74º | 2% | ENE 5 mph | 74% | |
1am | Mostly Clear | 72º | 2% | ENE 4 mph | 79% | |
2am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 3% | ENE 4 mph | 79% | |
3am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 4% | E 3 mph | 83% | |
4am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 4% | ESE 4 mph | 84% | |
5am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 4% | SE 4 mph | 83% | |
6am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 7% | SE 3 mph | 84% | |
7am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 7% | SE 4 mph | 84% | |
8am | Mostly Clear | 69º | 7% | SSE 4 mph | 84% | |
9am | Partly Cloudy | 68º | 7% | SSE 4 mph | 85% | |
10am | Mostly Clear | 68º | 8% | SSE 3 mph | 85% | |
11am | Partly Cloudy | 68º | 8% | SSE 3 mph | 85% | |
12pm | Partly Cloudy | 68º | 8% | SSE 3 mph | 87% | |
1pm | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 6% | SSE 4 mph | 84% | |
2pm | Partly Cloudy | 73º | 5% | SSE 6 mph | 77% | |
3pm | Partly Cloudy | 75º | 4% | SE 7 mph | 72% | |
4pm | Partly Cloudy | 76º | 3% | SE 8 mph | 68% | |
5pm | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 2% | SE 9 mph | 66% | |
6pm | Partly Cloudy | 78º | 2% | SE 10 mph | 64% | |
7pm | Partly Cloudy | 78º | 1% | SE 10 mph | 62% | |
8pm | Partly Cloudy | 78º | 1% | SE 10 mph | 61% | |
9pm | Partly Cloudy | 78º | 2% | SE 10 mph | 61% | |
10pm | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 2% | SE 9 mph | 62% | |
11pm | Partly Cloudy | 76º | 2% | SE 7 mph | 65% | |
Mon Sep 16 |
Partly Cloudy View Hourly |
79º / 63º | 7% | SE 9 mph | 64% | |
12am | Partly Cloudy | 74º | 4% | SE 5 mph | 68% | |
1am | Partly Cloudy | 72º | 5% | ESE 3 mph | 74% | |
2am | Partly Cloudy | 71º | 6% | ESE 2 mph | 77% | |
3am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 6% | SE 2 mph | 79% | |
4am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 6% | SE 3 mph | 79% | |
5am | Partly Cloudy | 70º | 6% | SE 3 mph | 79% | |
6am | Partly Cloudy | 68º | 7% | SSE 3 mph | 83% | |
7am | Partly Cloudy | 68º | 8% | SSE 2 mph | 83% | |
8am | Partly Cloudy | 67º | 12% | SSE 2 mph | 83% | |
9am | Partly Cloudy | 67º | 14% | SSE 2 mph | 82% | |
10am | Partly Cloudy | 66º | 14% | SSE 2 mph | 82% | |
11am | Partly Cloudy | 65º | 10% | SSE 2 mph | 83% | |
12pm | Mostly Cloudy | 65º | 8% | SSE 1 mph | 84% | |
1pm | Mostly Cloudy | 68º | 8% | SSE 2 mph | 79% | |
2pm | Partly Cloudy | 72º | 6% | SE 4 mph | 72% | |
3pm | Partly Cloudy | 74º | 4% | SE 5 mph | 65% | |
4pm | Partly Cloudy | 76º | 3% | SE 6 mph | 62% | |
5pm | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 4% | SE 7 mph | 61% | |
6pm | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 1% | ESE 9 mph | 61% | |
7pm | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 1% | ESE 9 mph | 59% | |
8pm | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 1% | ESE 9 mph | 58% | |
9pm | Mostly Cloudy | 77º | 1% | ESE 9 mph | 57% | |
10pm | Partly Cloudy | 77º | 1% | ESE 8 mph | 56% | |
Tue Sep 17 |
Partly Cloudy | 78º / 63º | 6% | SE 9 mph | 64% | |
Wed Sep 18 |
Sunny | 76º / 62º | 6% | ESE 9 mph | 67% | |
Thu Sep 19 |
Mostly Sunny | 76º / 65º | 7% | ESE 9 mph | 70% | |
Fri Sep 20 |
Mostly Sunny | 76º / 65º | 12% | SE 9 mph | 72% | |
Sat Sep 21 |
Partly Cloudy | 74º / 64º | 24% | SE 11 mph | 77% |
Buoy Data
For Milwaukee, WI -
Wind Forecast
In Milwaukee, WI -
In Milwaukee, WI -
Marine Forecast
In Milwaukee, WI
Weather Radar for Milwaukee, WI See Radar
* Playback displays weather for the past 6 hours.
NOAA Weather Marine Forecast for Milwaukee, WI
Variable winds 5 kt or less. Partly cloudy. Waves 1 ft or less.
SE wind 5 to 10 kt. Partly sunny. Waves around 1 ft.
Variable winds 5 kt or less. Partly cloudy. Waves 1 ft or less.
SE wind 5 to 10 kt. Sunny. Waves 1 ft or less.
Variable winds 5 kt or less. Partly cloudy. Waves 1 ft or less.
ESE wind 5 to 10 kt. Sunny. Waves 1 ft or less.
Variable winds 5 kt or less. Mostly clear. Waves 1 ft or less.
E wind 5 to 10 kt. Sunny. Waves around 1 ft.
Variable winds 5 kt or less. Partly cloudy. Waves 1 ft or less.
NOAA Buoy Data Near Milwaukee, WI See Map
Wind Speed Forecast for Milwaukee, WI
Saturday | Sunday | Monday | ||||||||||
Wind Speed (MPH) | 6 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 10 | 7 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 9 |
11pm | 3am | 7am | 11am | 3pm | 7pm | 11pm | 3am | 7am | 11am | 3pm | 7pm | |
MPH | 6 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 10 | 7 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 9 |
DIR | E | E | SE | SSE | SE | SE | SE | SE | SSE | SSE | SE | ESE |
Current Weather Conditions In Milwaukee, WI
As Of: 43 minutes ago
- 75ºF
- 75ºF
- 6mph
- 0º (E)
- 6mph
- Mostly Sunny
- 10mi
- 30.10"
- 70%
- 0ºF
The weather right now in Milwaukee, WI is Mostly Sunny. The current temperature is 75°F, and the expected high and low for today, Saturday, September 14, 2024, are -° high temperature and 67°F low temperature. The wind is currently blowing at 6 miles per hour, and coming from the East. The wind is gusting to 6 mph. With the wind and the atmosphere the temperature feels like 75° Fahrenheit. Expected precipitation is 2 percent, with current humidity at 70 percent, and air pressure at 30.1 in. Visibility is 10 nautical miles. There are no current weather alert(s).
General Weather Conditions in Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee, WI, is located on the western shore of Lake Michigan and in the southeastern portion of the state. The location averages about ten days each year with maximum temperatures in excess of 90°F (32.2°C). July is the warmest month with an average high of 80°F (26.7°C) and an average minimum of 62°F (16.7°C). January is the coolest month with an average high of 27°F (-2.8°C) and an average minimum of 13°F (-10.6°C). The highest temperature on record for Milwaukee is 103°F (39.4°C), recorded in August 1988 and again in July 1995, and the lowest temperature on record is -26°F (-32.2°C), recorded in January 1982. About 139 days each year experience temperatures below 32°F (0°C), and an average 21 days each year record temperatures below 5°F (-15°C). Every month has seen temperatures at or below 40°F (4.4°C) except August, and every month except June, July and August has recorded temperatures below freezing (0°C).
The average annual precipitation for Milwaukee is 32.23 inches (819 mm). An annual maximum occurs during the summer, due mainly to convective activity, and a marked dry period occurs during the winter months. Precipitation falls on about 198 days each year. The wettest month is July with 3.61 inches (92 mm), and the driest, February, averages only 1.44 inches (37 mm). An average of 36 thunderstorm days occur each year with June, July and August being the most likely months. Snow falls on about 77 days each year and averages about 49 inches (1245 mm) each year. January averages about 13 inches (330 mm) per year and December averages nearly 11 inches (279 mm). One-foot (305 mm) snowfalls in a 24-hour period have occurred in each month December, January, February and April. About ten days each year have a snowfall total greater than 1.5 inches (38 mm), and snow has fallen in every month except June through September. Fog is present on average 137 days each year and is rather evenly distributed throughout the year with a slight maximum during the late summer and then again in the early winter. The prevailing wind direction in Milwaukee is the west-northwest. Spring is the windiest period, and a maximum gust of 70 knots occurred in July 1984.