High Tide Flooding Outlook for September 2024

By US Harbors. Monthly High Tide Flooding Outlook, September 2024 NOAA says to expect higher tides on and around the new moon and full moon dates (known as spring tides), which will occur on September 2nd and September 17th, respectively. Higher than normal high tides and lower than normal low tides… SEE HARBORS THAT MAY FLOOD

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Red and yellow maple leaves with a light covering of snow.

Fall Safety: Prepare for Wildfires and Pending Winter Weather


By noaa.gov. Get ready for autumn by planning for seasonal weather hazards Fall may bring images of changing leaves, football games and pumpkin patches to mind, but as we prepare for these annual autumn favorites, it’s also time to prepare for potential weather hazards. This fall, NOAA’s National Weather Service… SEE MORE

Image Credits: nara.getarchive.net

Rescue of Six Fishermen Shows Importance of Personal Locator Beacons


By Carli Stewart. Six fishermen were rescued, and their disabled vessel was towed to Satawal Atoll in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) after a coordinated search by international operations. The United States Coast Guard, one of the crews involved in the rescue efforts, has written statements about the importance… SEE MORE

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons.

Nearshore Topwater Shark Fishing


By Capt. Zac Grossman. Find incredible action for high-flying blacktip and spinner sharks near the suds. How often is the word ­“guaranteed” included in a fishing invite? And how often is that fishing invitation an opportunity to target 75-plus-pound sharks that violently attack popping plugs and flies? Those who are… SEE MORE

Local Sea Scouts picking up debris from a public beach in Bay Village, Ohio.

Volunteers Help Monitor, Clean Up Ohio Beaches


By coast.noaa.gov. Volunteers are cleaning up Ohio’s Lake Erie shoreline while contributing to national marine debris monitoring efforts, thanks to a partnership between the state’s coastal management and research reserve programs. Marine debris, or solid litter that ends up in marine or Great Lakes environments, is a type of nonpoint… SEE MORE

Image Credit: Flickr.com.

6 Tips For Safe Boating from the US Coast Guard


By boatingmag.com. Boat safe this holiday weekend–and every day. The Coast Guard warns boaters in the Tri-State area to use extra caution while out on the water this Labor Day weekend. Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of the traditional beach and boating season, and is usually a very… SEE MORE

Image Credit: PxHere.

Take Your Tow-Sports Skills to the Next Level


By Zenon Bilas. Want to take your tow-sports skills to the next level? Use these techniques to move beyond just riding behind the boat. When you first learn to get up on water skis or a wakeboard, it’s an exhilarating experience. The feeling is euphoric when you let go of the… SEE MORE

Image Credit: Needpix.com

Kayaking As A Couple: How To Have a Romantic And Safe Paddling Date


By Tom Gaffey. Paddling in a kayak, canoe, or on a SUP board is an activity many people enjoy without company. But paddling with a partner is always a good idea. It’s safer, easier, and it can even be romantic with the right company. If you are interested in bringing… SEE MORE

3coma14, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Stilt Houses and Scallops: A Dive Into Old Florida’s Hidden Gems


By Carrie Honaker. A writer rediscovers her love of scalloping amid the historic stilt houses in New Port Richey, Florida. The sun rises on a steamy July morning as I sip my coffee and slather sunscreen all over, preparing for a day out on the water hunting for culinary treasures… SEE MORE

Image Credit: Pixabay

How to Get In (or Out) of a Kayak or Canoe Without Embarrassing Yourself


By Karuna Eberl. Make a splash—in a good way—and impress friends with a smooth transition from land to lake. GETTING INTO A CANOE IS unnerving. Failure means capsizing, plus looking foolish in front of that cute camp counselor. But as you wobble aboard, know you’re not alone. Even the experts dump… SEE MORE

Image Credit: Istockphotos.com

America's Boating Club, United States Power Squadrons Offers Free on-the-water Training To Members


By Raleigh, N.C. Recently Released Recreational Boating Statistics Reveal Boating Education Is Vital To Preventing Accidents. America’s Boating Club, United States Power Squadrons, the nation’s largest and oldest volunteer recreational boating safety nonprofit, announced today that as revealed in the recently released U.S. Coast Guard’s Recreational Boating Statistics, 75% of on-the-water… SEE MORE


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