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Discarded Fishing Gear Repurposed into Cables

5/12/2024 - By Carli Stewart. It's a staggering fact that approximately 1 million tons of abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) find their way into the world’s oceans every year. This ALDFG significantly threatens marine life, primarily contributing to ocean plastic pollution. ABB Installation Products, a company helping with the environmental crisis, has… SEE MORE
NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, CC BY-SA 2.0 , Quagga_mussels_8741745802 via Wikimedia Commons

How to Keep Your Vessel and Waters Clean of Invasive Species

1/25/2023 - By [caption id="attachment_44550" align="alignnone" width="602"] Albert Bridge / Zebra mussels sign[/caption] Invasive species such as mussels can attach to boats and hinder performance and your boat's life, end up in engine-cooling components, causing failure, and obstruct water lines causing system failure and costing the boat owner lot to repair.… SEE MORE