NOAA Fisheries Invites Public Comment on Climate Regional Plans
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Changing climate and oceans are affecting the nation’s valuable marine life and the people, businesses and communities that depend on them. From warming oceans and rising seas to droughts and ocean acidification, these impacts are expected to increase with continued changes in the planet’s climate system.
NOAA has developed seven draft Climate Regional Actions Plans. They are part of our proactive approach to increase the resilience and adaptation of marine life and the people who depend on them. We are soliciting public comment on the plans to ensure a collaborative and inclusive approach in planning for climate-ready stewardship of fisheries and protected resources. We are particularly interested in input on the clarity of the goals and activities, ways to strengthen the plans, and what additional goals and activities need to be addressed.
“Our climate and oceans are changing—many areas around the world are experiencing changes in the distribution and abundance of marine resources associated with changing climate and ocean conditions,” said Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator for NOAA Fisheries. “Building on our existing efforts, the Regional Action Plans will help provide decision-makers with the information and tools they need to prepare for and respond to changing climate and ocean conditions.”