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America’s Boating Club, United States Power Squadrons Offers Free on-the-water Training To Members

6/28/2024 - By Raleigh, N.C. Recently Released Recreational Boating Statistics Reveal Boating Education Is Vital To Preventing Accidents. America’s Boating Club, United States Power Squadrons, the nation’s largest and oldest volunteer recreational boating safety nonprofit, announced today that as revealed in the recently released U.S. Coast Guard’s Recreational Boating Statistics, 75% of on-the-water… SEE MORE
Passaic River, New Jersey. Contamination is found in sediment from the Dundee Dam to the mouth of the river, throughout Newark Bay, and other portions of the New York/New Jersey Harbor. (Credit: NOAA)

Restoration for Fish, Wildlife, and Communities Coming to Seven Polluted Waterways

6/10/2024 - By Good news for a new year! In 2023, NOAA and partners helped to recover over $92.8 million from polluters to restore seven waterways in six states following oil spill and industrial pollution incidents. These restoration efforts will benefit fish, wildlife, and disadvantaged communities disproportionately impacted by pollution. NOAA… SEE MORE
NOAA national heat index tool. (Image credit: NOAA)

NOAA Announces National Heat Forecast Tool: HeatRisk

4/22/2024 - By NOAA.  NOAA is expanding the availability of a new experimental heat tool called HeatRisk ahead of the hot summer months. A collaboration with NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HeatRisk provides information and guidance for those who are particularly vulnerable to… SEE MORE