Boating, Fishing, and Travel Information for Pearl Harbor Entrance, Bishop Point, HI

Pearl Harbor 9.5 miles WNW of Diamond Head, is a Defensive Sea Area established by Executive Order No. 8143 of May 26, 1939. The order says in part:
“The area of water in Pearl Harbor, Island of O’ahu, Territory of Hawaii, lying between extreme high-water mark and the sea, and in and about the entrance channel to said harbor, within an area bounded by the extreme high-water mark, a line bearing S from the SW corner of the Puuloa Naval Reservation, a line bearing S from Ahua Point, and a line bearing W from a point 3 miles due S from Ahua Point, has been established as a defensive sea area for purposes of national defense, and no persons (other than persons on public vessels of the United States) are permitted to enter this defensive sea area, and no vessels or other craft (other than public vessels of the United States) are permitted to navigate in this area, except by authority of the Secretary of the Navy.‚Äù


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Fishing in Pearl Harbor Entrance, Bishop Point, HI Map View

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Hawaii Wave with Surfer - Image by andythelion from Pixabay