“Women on the Water” Premiere–Wednesday, July 8th LIVE with Kirsten Neuschäfer–Solo Sailor, Expedition Skipper, & Golden Globe 2022 Racer
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On Wednesday, July 8th at 12:00pm ET, the fourth video in US Harbors “Women on the Water” series will premiere LIVE on YouTube with Kirsten Neushcäfer, a solo trans-ocean sailor. Kirsten talks about what it takes to tackle the high-seas alone, share her experiences as the skipper Skip Novak’s research boats in the Arctic and Antarctic, and share what she is doing to prepare for the 9-month, non-stop, non-digital, Golden Globe sailing race around the world… a race in which she is currently the only female participant.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 8th at Noon ET
WHERE: https://www.youtube.com/USHarbors1
MORE INFORMATION on the “Women on the Water” video series available at: