If you live in an area prone to flooding, it’s essential to take steps to protect your home. Flooding can cause extensive damage to your property and possessions, so it’s best to be prepared. Life in a waterfront area can be a dream come true, but rising coastlines present new challenges. There’s no need to live in fear of floods. Keep reading to learn how to floodproof your house.
Know Your Risk: Check Flood Rate Maps Before Buying
The best cure is prevention. As such, the first step in flood-proofing your home is understanding your risk. You can do this by checking the flood rate maps for your area. These maps show the areas at risk of flooding and can help you decide where to buy a home or determine if your current home is at risk of flood damage.
Flood Insurance Rate Maps were designed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These maps show:
● Base flood elevations
● Flood zones
● Floodplain boundaries
While researching flood zones, homeowners should familiarize themselves with the 100-year floodplain.
The 100-year floodplain indicates areas with a 1 percent chance of flooding every year. This doesn’t mean that the area will flood every year, but it suggests that a flood most likely will occur in that area in a 100-year span.
Prospective buyers can still purchase in these areas, but they should first understand common home insurance policies on flooding.
What Is Dry Floodproofing?
Dry floodproofing is a method of protecting your home from floodwaters through physical barriers. These barriers can be installed on the exterior or interior of your home and work to keep water out.
Some standard dry floodproofing methods include:
Sealant. Applying sealant to cracks in your foundation can help prevent water from entering the home.
Reinforcement. Fortifying walls in your house can help prevent damage in a flood.
Barriers. Dry floodproofing barriers can be as simple as sandbags, although many other products employ more advanced hydro-engineering.
Dry floodproofing isn’t always 100% effective, but it can save thousands of dollars during a flood incident. These tactics should be implemented as part of a regular hurricane preparation regiment.
What Is Wet Floodproofing?
While dry floodproofing aims to stop the flow of water, wet floodproofing is a strategy that attempts to control water flow.
Wet floodproofing is a method of protecting your home by allowing water to enter in a controlled way. This can be done by installing special valves, drains, or other devices that allow water to enter the home without causing damage.
Some standard wet floodproofing methods include:
Valves. Install check valves on all sewer lines and drains to prevent water from flowing back into your home.
Pumps. Install a pump in your basement or low-lying areas of your home to remove water that has entered.
Drainage. Create drainage paths around your home to direct water away from the foundation.
What Are the Most Floodproof Construction Styles?
Certain types of construction are more resistant to flooding than others. If you’re concerned about flood damage, it’s best to choose a home with a raised foundation. A raised foundation is built on stilts or piers, elevating the home above the floodplain. This makes the home less likely to be damaged by floodwaters.
Homes with basements are also more resistant to flooding than those without. The basement acts as a barrier, preventing water from entering the home’s main living area. Finally, homes made of concrete are better able to withstand floods than those made of wood. Concrete is stronger and less likely to be damaged by floodwaters.
Protect Your Home With Floodproofing Strategies
Homeowners near the water should consider their risk of flooding and take proactive measures to protect their homes. Floodproofing your home can be a daunting task, but it’s important to understand the different strategies available to you. By understanding your risk and taking action now, you can enjoy waterfront living without fear of floods ruining your property or possessions.
By The Dekanski Home Selling Team / newjerseyrealestatenetwork.com