Fog and light can turn any ship into a ghost story - photo by Tanya Hart

The Science of Ghost Ships

10/30/2018 - The oceans are a vast wilderness, full of more unknowns than knowns, where the veil between life and death is at its thinnest. There is no shortage of mystery, no lack of terror. It is no surprise that there are tales of the weird, the unexplained and the down-right terrifying… SEE MORE

Boating Rules of The Road and Buzzards Bay

10/5/2018 - Having spent a lot of time on the water this summer, it’s come to my attention that about 25% of boaters either don’t know or don’t respect the Boating Rules Of The Road. I’m not talking about a couple of yahoos in a 20′ center console; I’m talking about 50′… SEE MORE
Monarch Butterflies

Top 5 North American migratory animals

10/3/2018 - Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus plexippus): Being the smallest animal on the list, it may seem unbelievable that these tiny winged insects cover the 3,000 mile distance from Canada to Mexico. The journey down the east coast that the butterflies take starts at the end of October. Not all make it… SEE MORE
HMS Endeavour off the coast of New Holland by Samuel Atkins 1794

Could HMS Endeavour be lying at the bottom of Newport Harbor?

9/20/2018 - At 5-6 p.m. on Friday, September 21, at the Gurneys Resort on Goat Island, Newport, Rhode Island, archaeologists from the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) and its partner, the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM), will announce their 2018 research results for the study of the Newport Harbor transport fleet.… SEE MORE
Hurricane Florence on 9/13. Photo credit NOAA/GOES

Update on Hurricane Florence

9/19/2018 - Florence has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm, but its effects are still potentially devastating as it moves inland, and the floodwater keeps rising. At least 40 inches of rain fell along the coast from Cape Fear to Cape Lookout. Florence is the wettest tropical cyclone to ever hit North… SEE MORE