Albert, a brand-new guillemot born on Brother's Island, looking for a fight!

Coastal Species Spotlight: Black Guillemots

6/28/2012 - The predominant object of our daily attention here on Petit Manan is the tern colony, and with just under 2,000 nest sites this year they do keep us busy. But, in honor of the many other avian residents who call Petit Manan their breeding home, today we are very happy… SEE MORE
With a light westerly breeze blowing, Padanaram Harbor is a tranquil place on an early summer morning.

Enjoying a Summer Morning in Padanaram

6/28/2012 - Between the America's Cup World Series in Newport, the WoodenBoat Show in Mystic, and the OpSail event in Boston, these days it seems like practically every harbor has a major boating event taking place. Which made it all that much more delightful to visit Padanaram Harbor, in South Dartmouth, recently… SEE MORE
Two Common terns perched on the granite rocks of Petit Manan.

Petit Manan Avian Census Results

6/26/2012 - During the first few weeks of the seabird field season the number of avian residents on Petit Manan is relatively low. Just two field technicians anxiously awaiting the arrival of a seabird colony. And then it happens, slowly at first but with increasing momentum, the nesting residents begin to descend… SEE MORE

Report: New England States Warming Fastest

6/26/2012 - Well. I'm not surprised by this news story that says Rhode Island is the fastest warming state in the United States. Here is the quote: "A new report from Climate Central, a research and public outreach program, says global warming is causing some states to heat up faster than others.… SEE MORE
The hike over Great Head, on the east side of the beach, is a great way to warm up before some serious beach time.

Another Great Day at the Beach in Acadia

6/18/2012 - Anyone who thinks that the coast of Maine is entirely rocky shores and bold cliffs hasn't been to Acadia National Park's Sand Beach, just outside of Bar Harbor. On a clear day when the seas are calm and the tide is out, this is one of the most delightful beaches… SEE MORE

Jonathan Seagull, Meet Reginald Studpants McArthur

6/18/2012 - While our sister restoration islands team with clouds of countless terns, the “colony” at Eastern Brothers Island is a little more subdued. Meet Reginald Studpants McArthur, the affectionately named sole resident of our Common Tern colony. For the past few years, Reggie has made his home among the harem of… SEE MORE