, CC BY-SA 4.0 , Commercial_Fishing_Boats_at_Overstockboats via Wikimedia Commons

Fleet xpress helps future-proof fishing operations

2/20/2023 - By [caption id="attachment_44783" align="alignnone" width="512"] Fishing Vessel by Mike Baird, CC BY 2.0[/caption] Seamless global coverage through Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress keeps fishing vessels connected in even the most remote locations while allowing operators to access and make provisions for the many benefits of digitalisation. Robust satellite communications are critical… SEE MORE
VladUK, Public domain, 512px-Fishing_Boat via Wikimedia Commons

Enabling a New Generation of Maritime Services to Meet the Demands for Connectivity at Sea for Fishing Vessels

2/19/2023 - By [caption id="attachment_44775" align="alignnone" width="512"] Employees_working_on_fishing_boat_working_with_tribal_partners via Wikimedia Commons[/caption] Historically, the equipping of seagoing vessels with communications capabilities has been, first and foremost, about safety. Without a doubt, marineitime safety remains a high priority, as a range of statutes requires most ships to have some onboard communication. For fishing… SEE MORE