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Where the Rivers Run Pink

10/26/2024 - By Jude Isabella. Non-native pink salmon have swarmed Norway’s rivers, prompting a relentless—and potentially fruitless—fight to beat back the invaders. The Grense Jakobselv River flows from northwestern Russia to the Barents Sea. For 35 of its 45 kilometers, the river also serves as the border between Russia and Norway. This… SEE MORE
Image Credits: Freerange Stocks.

Migrating Seabirds Are Bringing Forever Chemicals into the Arctic

10/23/2024 - By William von Herff. New research shows how toxic chemicals hitch a ride with seabirds flying from southern latitudes to the Arctic. Between March and May each year, 15 million black-legged kittiwakes gather from across the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to nest and breed on rocky Arctic cliffs—some making the journey… SEE MORE
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Offering a Dose of Healing, Curious Beluga Whales Frolic in a Warming Hudson Bay

10/17/2024 - By Seth Borenstein. Playful large white beluga whales bring joy and healing to Hudson Bay. Their happy chirps leap out in an environment and economy threatened by the warming water melting sea ice, starving polar bears and changing the entire food chain. Loud and curious belugas swarm boats here, clicking, nudging and frolicking.… SEE MORE