Photo Credit Fondriest Environmental

Deploying a New Weather Buoy System with NOAA

7/1/2019 - By Karla Lant. For the past two years, the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office has been partnering with Fondriest and NexSens to phase out their AXYS data buoy systems with NexSens CB-1250 data buoy systems. Several members of the Fondriest team recently visited and participated in a buoy deployment on the… SEE MORE
Photo Courtesy of TIFF

Summer’s Must-See Feminist Sailing Documentary

7/1/2019 - By Paul Chi. In 1989, British sailor Tracy Edwards made history—and defied critics—by leading the first all-female crew to successfully complete the Whitbread Round the World yacht race, one of the longest and most grueling competitions of its kind. Her inspiring story is featured in Alex Holmes’s exciting new documentary,… SEE MORE