Striped Bass kayak fishing

Striped Bass Managers Vote to Take Action

5/13/2019 - Changes to striped bass regulations intended to halt overfishing are expected for the 2020 fishing season, but what those changes will be remains to be decided. At the spring meeting of the Striped Bass Management Board on Tuesday, managers voted to initiate development of an addendum to reduce fishing mortality… SEE MORE
Tips to avoid being towed

Boating 101: Avoid Being Towed

5/8/2019 - While Sea Tow membership gives you the peace of mind on the water of knowing towing is included and available 24/7 you should need it, we realize you would prefer to avoid it if possible! For boaters who want to keep their boat off the other end of our tow… SEE MORE
Fishing on the Connecticut River

Casting About the Connecticut River

5/8/2019 - By Captain Tom Migdalski. The Native Algonquins called it “Quinnehtukqut,” or “Long Tidal River,” and were the first to appreciate the estuary’s incredible diversity of life. Flowing 410 miles from its origin at the Canadian border, the Connecticut River dumps 10 billion gallons of fresh water into Long Island Sound… SEE MORE
A U.S. Army Soldier rescues a dog during Hurricane Florence response operations. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo )

5 Pet Safety Tips for Storm Preparedness

5/6/2019 - Thorough emergency preparedness is important during severe storm weather, particularly in areas where pet owners may be forced to leave their homes. But what about more common thunderstorms or tornados? Here are five smart and simple tips from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center to make storms safer and less… SEE MORE

Florence Fourth of July Fireworks in Doubt

5/1/2019 - Fireworks on the Fourth of July is usually the highly anticipated culmination of a day of celebrating America’s Independence from England 243 years ago. Family picnics and neighborhood barbecues are staples of the holiday and from the beginning of the republic these celebrations featured extensive after dark pyrotechnics. In 1870,… SEE MORE

Florida’s Manatees are No Longer Endangered

5/1/2019 - by Giovanna Brasolin There’s a creature that populates shallow waters — slow-moving rivers, saltwater bays, canals and coastal areas — where beds of seagrass and other freshwater vegetation is present. They are commonly  known as sea cows and are considered to be a migratory species. The species cannot survive in… SEE MORE