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Climate change causing more change in rainfall, fiercer typhoons, scientists say

7/30/2024 - By David Stanway. Climate change is driving changes in rainfall patterns across the world, scientists said in a paper published on Friday, which could also be intensifying typhoons and other tropical storms. Taiwan, the Philippines and then China were lashed by the year's most powerful typhoon this week, with schools, businesses and… SEE MORE
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NOAA Announces $10 Million Grant for Oyster Sanctuary Reef Construction in Maryland

7/29/2024 - By The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that it has recommended awarding $10 million to fund new reef construction for a Maryland Department of Natural Resources oyster sanctuary in the Chesapeake Bay. The four-year grant will provide infrastructure funding for building reef bases on about 50 to… SEE MORE
mage of a harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie as seen from the NOAA/NASA Suomi-NPP satellite on August 16, 2015. The Ocean Color Instrument on GeoXO will overcome the limitations of low-Earth orbiting satellites whose observations are often affected by cloud cover and sunglint. [Credit: NOAA]

GeoXO’s OCX Instrument Will Be Game Changer for Satellite Ocean Observations

7/26/2024 - By After nearly 50 years of GOES satellites providing critical Earth-observing data and imagery, NOAA is working on its next generation series of advanced geostationary satellites—the Geostationary Extended Observations mission, or GeoXO. GeoXO will host a payload of new instruments that will provide unprecedented information for addressing our changing planet… SEE MORE
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Detection of Massive Harmful Algal Bloom in the Arctic Prompts Real-Time Advisories

7/25/2024 - By In the summer of 2022, a research cruise detected a massive harmful algal bloom (HAB) in the Bering Strait region of western Alaska. This expedition provided a dramatic example of science utilizing new technology to track a neurotoxic HAB and effectively communicate information that protects remote coastal communities… SEE MORE
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United Nations Endorses New “Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture”

7/21/2024 - By NOAA provided scientific expertise on the guidelines, which will develop global aquaculture best practices. More seafood is currently produced via farming, or aquaculture, than is harvested from the wild, according to a recent United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization report. As more people globally rely on seafood farming… SEE MORE