October sky in Rockport Harbor.

October Light in the Lens on the Coast

11/8/2012 - Every October, my camera and I head out for a sail, or two, to capture the fall foliage in the lens. This year, for help, I took a tripod, strapped it down to a cleat, set the lens, focus, timer, and went hunting. Sailing+fall foliage=elusive target. As usual, I came… SEE MORE
Save The Bay's aquarium, located at Easton's Beach in Newport, was seriously damaged by the passing of Hurricane Sandy.

Newport Aquarium Damaged by Hurricane Sandy

11/1/2012 - As every Rhode Islander now knows, Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on our coastal communities – especially those along the southern shores of Rhode Island from Westerly to Little Compton. The effects of this storm are far reaching and will be long felt. Aquidneck Island was no exception. While we were… SEE MORE
Just before the morning high tide, waves were crashing over the Rockland breakwater. With the storm surge, they overtopped it.

Storm Scenes: Midcoast Maine Prepares for Sandy

10/29/2012 - Though Hurricane Sandy looked like it would make landfall in New Jersey, the massive storm's impacts were already being felt on the morning of October 29 in midcoast Maine. A northeast wind had already stiffened into the twenty-knot range with gusts to thirty, and a quick check of Rockland, Rockport,… SEE MORE
Hurricane Sandy is proving to be as unpredictable as it is deadly.

Storm Prep: How to Track Hurricane Sandy

10/27/2012 - Virtually everyone on the East Coast is keeping an eye on Hurricane Sandy (the storm has switched between being a hurricane and a tropical storm a couple of times since it formed in the Caribbean Sea) as it zig-zags up the shore. The storm is generating plenty of sensational headlines… SEE MORE