Cindy Shebley, CC BY 2.0 , Everett_WA._-_USA_02_19_2020_Boat_mooring_with_Anthony's_Homeport_Resturant_on_Port_Gardner_bay._(49565791383) via Wikimedia Commons

Environmental impacts of increasing leisure boating activity in Mediterranean coastal waters

2/23/2023 - By [caption id="attachment_44806" align="alignnone" width="512"] 1950s_boat_Gloucester_Massachusetts_USA_5336085003 via Wikimedia Commons[/caption] Leisure boating is an important economic activity which is increasing in popularity worldwide, and the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most popular nautical tourism destinations in the world. While the overall ecological impacts of recreational boating on freshwater ecosystems… SEE MORE
The original uploader was Serge at English Wikibooks., Public domain, Spanishtown via Wikimedia Commons

The Spanish town powered by waves

2/15/2023 - By [caption id="attachment_44740" align="alignnone" width="512"] Ocean_waves via Wikimedia Commons[/caption] For centuries, inhabitants of the picturesque coastal town of Mutriku have drawn from the ocean's riches. Now they're harnessing its immense power. The Basque town of Mutriku owes its soul to the sea. It sits wedged into a bay carved… SEE MORE
Spider Crab, Paper Craft. NOAA FIsheries

Celebrate Winter With Four New Paper Snowflake Templates

12/21/2022 - By Celebrate the most wonderful time of year with our adorable Woods Hole Science Aquarium paper snowflakes! Enjoy four new designs inspired by a few of our aquarium residents: Atlantic cod, chain dogfish, common spider crab, and diamondback terrapin. [caption id="attachment_44274" align="alignnone" width="648"] Paper Snowflake Templates, NOAA Fisheries[/caption] Get… SEE MORE
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Designed by Victor S. McCloskey, Jr., using as source material a photograph of a portion of the mural by Lumen M. Winter located in the AFL-CIO building in Washington, DC., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Origins of Labor Day

9/5/2022 - By Craig Harris and Kelly Tyko USA Today. Labor Day for many Americans is a three-day weekend that marks the end of the summer and the start of the school year. Nowadays, the holiday might be celebrated with anything from swimming at a beach or pool, grilling, or watching the first college… SEE MORE
Avalon Harbor @ Santa Catalina Island by Jim Luttjohann.

AUGUST 2022 – News from Our Coasts

8/23/2022 - COASTAL NEWS FOR AUGUST Updates from US Harbors In September we celebrate International Coastal Clean Up Day on the 17th by participating in clean up events. All month gatherings will take place on beaches and in other coastal areas all over the world in order to collect debris and help… SEE MORE
Endurance22, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Extreme Heat Uncovers Lost Villages, Ancient Ruins and Shipwrecks

8/17/2022 - By Kevin Simauchi. In an eerie twist, volatile weather and heat-induced drought are unearthing glimpses of lost archaeological treasures and forgotten history. Extreme heat this year has triggered wildfires, drought and melting glaciers. Less expectedly, it’s also revealed some weird and dark things about our past—shipwrecks, corpses, ghost villages, ornamental… SEE MORE