Young adults engage in habitat restoration and coastal resilience projects in Florida. (Image credit: Franklin's Promise Coalition, with permission.)

NOAA Proposes $45 Million for Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Projects for Tribes and Underserved Communities

9/2/2024 - By Today, the Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is recommending more than $45 million in funding to support 27 new Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities. Of this $45 million in funding, more than $20 million is recommended for federally recognized… SEE MORE
North Atlantic right whale feeding. (Image credit: Christin Khan/NOAA Fisheries)

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $9 Million for Partnerships to Recover North Atlantic Right Whales

8/24/2024 - By Inflation Reduction Act enables new grants to conserve and recover endangered whales. Today, NOAA Fisheries announced over $9 million from Inflation Reduction Act funds to support strategic partnerships aimed at improving fishing gear and population monitoring that will help the recovery of North Atlantic right whales. These partnerships include collaborations… SEE MORE
Black abalone are an endangered marine snail that face climate change threats such as increased water temperatures, sedimentation, and ocean acidification. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

Climate Change Threatens the Survival and Recovery of Black Abalone

8/14/2024 - By Black abalone are sensitive to climate change impacts, such as increasing water temperatures and increasing sedimentation events from intense fire and storm activity. These challenges make them more vulnerable to lethal disease and burial. Black abalone, which are plant-eating marine snails, once thrived along the California and Baja… SEE MORE
he first Your Shores cohort learning to scuba dive. Credit: Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science

NOAA-Funded Program Helps Miami Teens from Under-Resourced Schools Enter Marine Science Field

8/11/2024 - By The Your Shores program at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science provides high school students from diverse backgrounds with dive certifications, habitat restoration and research experience, and marine science training. To address the inequity of opportunities for students of all backgrounds in the marine science field and… SEE MORE
High tide flooding April 12, 2024, blocks businesses in Annapolis, Maryland. (NOAA photo)

High Tide Flooding may Lessen across the U.S., NOAA Scientists Predict

8/7/2024 - By After record-breaking coastal flooding, La Niña could slightly reduce number of flood days NOAA’s 2024-25 Annual High Tide Flooding Outlook predicts fewer high-tide flood days than last year. The outlook documents high-tide flooding events from May 2023 to April 2024 at 97 NOAA tide gauges along the U.S. coast. It… SEE MORE
Image Credit: Pxhere.

NOAA Announces $10 Million Grant for Oyster Sanctuary Reef Construction in Maryland

7/29/2024 - By The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that it has recommended awarding $10 million to fund new reef construction for a Maryland Department of Natural Resources oyster sanctuary in the Chesapeake Bay. The four-year grant will provide infrastructure funding for building reef bases on about 50 to… SEE MORE
mage of a harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie as seen from the NOAA/NASA Suomi-NPP satellite on August 16, 2015. The Ocean Color Instrument on GeoXO will overcome the limitations of low-Earth orbiting satellites whose observations are often affected by cloud cover and sunglint. [Credit: NOAA]

GeoXO’s OCX Instrument Will Be Game Changer for Satellite Ocean Observations

7/26/2024 - By After nearly 50 years of GOES satellites providing critical Earth-observing data and imagery, NOAA is working on its next generation series of advanced geostationary satellites—the Geostationary Extended Observations mission, or GeoXO. GeoXO will host a payload of new instruments that will provide unprecedented information for addressing our changing planet… SEE MORE