NOAA Fisheries Logo

Bycatch Reduction Week

8/24/2022 - By NOAA. Bycatch—the catch of non-target species—is a complex, global issue that threatens the sustainability of our fishing communities, economies, and ocean ecosystems. Learn how we work to develop, test, and adopt gears that reduce bycatch in U.S. fisheries. Join us for Bycatch Reduction Week, August 22–26, 2022, as we… SEE MORE
Avalon Harbor @ Santa Catalina Island by Jim Luttjohann.

AUGUST 2022 – News from Our Coasts

8/23/2022 - COASTAL NEWS FOR AUGUST Updates from US Harbors In September we celebrate International Coastal Clean Up Day on the 17th by participating in clean up events. All month gatherings will take place on beaches and in other coastal areas all over the world in order to collect debris and help… SEE MORE
NOAA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Harmful Effects of Airborne Red Tide in New Study

8/22/2022 - By Stefania Lugli. Researchers from the Roskamp Institute found new evidence suggesting that airborne exposure to red tide could have neurological impacts — especially for those with a previous history of migraine or chronic fatigue syndrome. While respiratory symptoms are well-documented during red tide blooms, neurological symptoms haven't been examined… SEE MORE
Brocken Inaglory, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

New Study Highlights Speed of Pacifica’s Erosion

8/19/2022 - By Grace Scullion. Rising sea levels are eating away the California coast, and a recent study found that the cliffs in Pacifica are among those crumbling the fastest. The study, published by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, used data of cliff erosion between 2009-2011… SEE MORE